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Showing results 2 to 21 of 255 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Vesić, Nenad Advanced Cryptography by using Christoffel Symbols202112th International Conference on Business Information Security, Beograd; 14-17M31
Jočić, Dragan ; Štajner-Papuga, IvanaAggregation Operators and Distributivity Equations1-Jan-2021Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications; 121-135M14
Damnjanovic, Ivan; Stevanović, Dragan AN ALTERNATIVE PROOF OF THE SOMBOR INDEX MINIMIZING PROPERTY OF GREEDY TREES2023Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 113(127); 57-65M24
Stević, Stevo Application of Equilibrium Points in Solving Difference Equations and a New Class of Solvable Nonlinear Systems of Difference Equations2022Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis; 23(1); 1-17~M22
Simjanović, Dušan J.; Vesić, Nenad ; Zdravković, Nemanja; Šibalija, TatjanaApplying AHP to Smart City Development: Mobility, Healthcare, and Education2023Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques; International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, AEOTIT 2022, 28 January 2022 through 30 January 2022; 369-376M14
Milićević, Luka Approximate quadratic varieties2023Nilpotent structures in topological dynamics, ergodic theory and combinatorics, Bedlewo, Poland, June 4-9, 2023M32
Milićević, Luka Approximately symmetric forms far from being exactly symmetric2023Combinatorics, Probability and Computing; 32(2); 299-315~M22
Đorđević, Dušan; Đorđević, Bogdan Arbitrary-order Fréchet derivatives of the exponential and logarithmic functions in real and complex Banach algebras: Applications to stochastic functional differential equations2024Filomat; 38(21); 7503-7524~M22
Milovanović, Miloš Astralni svet u romanu Monah Kalist Milivoja M. Jovanovića2023Mitološki zbornik : Naučni skup Prof. dr Branko Gavela, 10. novembar 2023, Pančevo; 47; 235-260М52
Baralić, Đorđe ; Liđan, EdinBalanced simplicial complex associated with 1 × p polyomino2023Proceedings of the 4th Croatian Combinatorial Days
Patel, Uma Devi; Todorčević, Vesna ; Radojevic, Slobodan; Radenović, StojanBest Proximity Point for ГτF-Fuzzy Proximal Contraction2023Axioms; 12(2); 165~M21
Femić, Bojana A bicategorical approach to actions of monoidal categories1-Jan-2022Journal of Algebra and its Applications; 2350073~M23
Limonchenko, Ivan ; Sergeev, MatveyBier Spheres and Toric Topology2024Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova; Topology, Geometry, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics : Collected papers. Dedicated to Victor Matveevich Buchstaber on the occasion of his 80th birthday; 326; 275-292
Dragović, Vladimir ; Stošić, Marko BILLIARD PARTITIONS, FIBONACCI SEQUENCES, SIP CLASSES, AND QUIVERS1-Oct-2024Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 152(10); 4141-4154~M22
Zekić, Mladen Biproducts in monoidal categories2021Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 110(124); 1-9M24
Todorčević, Vesna Boundary regularity and VMO: from conformal to HQC mappings2024International conference on special functions, analytic functions, metrics and quasiconformality, IIT Indore, 17-20. December, Indore, IndiaM32
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Bounded rank perturbations of a regular matrix pencil15-May-2024Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 689; 126-154~M21
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Bounded rank perturbations of matrix pencils without nontrivial invariant factors2023Linear and Multilinear Algebra~M22
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko BOUNDED RANK PERTURBATIONS OF QUASI-REGULAR PENCILS OVER ARBITRARY FIELDS1-Dec-2023SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications; 44(4); 1879-1907~M22