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Stošić, Marko
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Results 1-20 of 55 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Dragović, Vladimir ; Stošić, Marko BILLIARD PARTITIONS, FIBONACCI SEQUENCES, SIP CLASSES, AND QUIVERS1-Oct-2024Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 152(10); 4141-4154~M22
2Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Bounded rank perturbations of a regular matrix pencil15-May-2024Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 689; 126-154~M21
3Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko BOUNDED RANK PERTURBATIONS OF QUASI-REGULAR PENCILS OVER ARBITRARY FIELDS1-Dec-2023SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications; 44(4); 1879-1907~M22
4Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Double generalized majorization and diagrammatics2023Ars Mathematica Contemporanea; 23(2); 05A17~M22
5Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Bounded rank perturbations of matrix pencils without nontrivial invariant factors2023Linear and Multilinear Algebra~M22
6Ekholm, Tobias; Gruen, Angus; Gukov, Sergei; Kucharski, Piotr; Park, Sunghyuk; Stošić, Marko ; Sułkowski, PiotrBranches, quivers, and ideals for knot complements1-Jul-2022Journal of Geometry and Physics; 177; 104520~M22
7Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Double generalized majorization2022Electronic Journal of Combinatorics; 29(4); P4.19~M23
8Stošić, Marko ; Wedrich, PaulTangle addition and the knots-quivers correspondence18-Jan-2021Journal of the London Mathematical Society~M21
9Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Completion of matrix pencils with a single rank restriction1-Jan-2021Linear and Multilinear Algebra~M21
10Baragaña, Itziar; Dodig, Marija ; Roca, Alicia; Stošić, Marko Bounded rank perturbations of regular pencils over arbitrary fields15-Sep-2020Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 601; 180-188M21
11Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko A new approach to square matrix completion problem6-Sep-2020Linear and Multilinear AlgebraM21
12Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko GMPCP for one row and one column completion21-Jul-2020Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 36(1); 473-483M23
13Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Combinatorics of polynomial chains15-Mar-2020Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 589; 130-157M21
14Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko RANK ONE PERTURBATIONS of MATRIX PENCILS1-Jan-2020SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications; 41(4); 1889-1911M21
15Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Feedback invariants of series connected systems15-Sep-2019Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 577; 244-269M21
16Stošić, Marko On extended graphical calculus for categorified quantum sl(n)1-Feb-2019Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra; 223(2); 691-712M22
17Stošić, Marko ; Wedrich, PaulRational Links and DT Invariants of Quivers14-Jan-2019International Mathematics Research NoticesM21
18Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko The general matrix pencil completion problem: A minimal case1-Jan-2019SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications; 40(1); 347-369M21
19Kucharski, Piotr; Reineke, Markus; Stošić, Marko ; Sułkowski, PiotrKnots-quivers correspondence1-Jan-2019Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics; 23(7); 1849-1902M21
20Panfil, Miłosz; Stošić, Marko ; Sułkowski, PiotrDonaldson-Thomas invariants, torus knots, and lattice paths15-Jul-2018Physical Review D; 98(2)M21


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 174026Representations of logical structures and formal languages and their application in computing01-01-201131-12-2019Ghilezan, Silvia