Vesić, Nenad

Full Name
Vesić, Nenad
Scopus Author ID

- 2 Almost geodesic mapping | Generalized Riemannian space | Invariant | Property of reciprocity | Thomas projective parameter | Weyl projective tensor
- 1 53C15 | Primary 53A55 | Secondary 53B05
- 1 Affine connected space | Almost geodesic mappings | Almost geodesic mappings of the third type | Property of reciprocity
- 1 affine connection space | deformation tensor | geometric mapping | invariants of geometric mapping | Riemannian space
- 1 affine connection space | Riemannian space | almost geodesic mappings | invariants
- 1 Affine connection | Curvature tensor | Invariant | Weyl projective tensor
- 1 AHP | criteria | cyber security | Fuzzy AHP
- 1 almost geodesic mapping | almost geodesic mapping of the second type | G-almost geodesic mapping | non-symmetric affine connection | property of reciprocity
- 1 Analytic hierarchy process | Fuzzy logic | Internet of everything | Internet of things | Smart cities | Spherical fuzzy numbers
- 1 Analytic hierarchy process | Multi-criteria decision-making | Smart cities | Urban sustainability
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Date issued
- 32 2020 - 2025
- 23 2010 - 2019
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