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Todorčević, Stevo
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Results 1-20 of 162 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Kurilić, Miloš S.; Todorčević, Stevo Posets of copies of countable ultrahomogeneous tournaments1-Dec-2024Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 175(10); 103486~M21
2Lamei Ramandi, Hossein; Todorčević, Stevo Can you take Komjath's inaccessible away?1-Jul-2024Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 175(7); 103452~M21
3Todorčević, Stevo ; Zhang, JingHigher dimensional chain conditions1-Jan-2024Journal of Mathematical Logic; 2450032~M21a
4Guzmán, Osvaldo; Todorčević, Stevo The P-ideal dichotomy, Martin’s axiom and entangled sets2024Israel Journal of Mathematics~M22
5Kuzeljević, Boriša; Todorčević, Stevo Cofinal types on ω21-Feb-2023Mathematical Logic Quarterly; 69(1); 92-103~M23
6Guzmán, Osvaldo; Todorčević, Stevo Forcing with copies of the Rado and Henson graphs2023Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 174(8); 103286~M21
7Rinot, Assaf; Shalev, Roy; Todorčević, Stevo A new small Dowker space2023Periodica Mathematica Hungarica~M22
8Raghavan, Dilip; Todorčević, Stevo GALVIN’S PROBLEM IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS2023Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 151(7); 3103-3110~M22
9Raghavan, Dilip; Todorčević, Stevo A combinatorial property of rho-functions5-Jul-2022Acta Mathematica HungaricaM22
10Leiderman, Arkady; Spadaro, Santi; Todorčević, Stevo DENSE METRIZABLE SUBSPACES IN POWERS OF CORSON COMPACTA1-Jul-2022Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 150(7); 3177-3187~M22
11Guzmán, O.; Hrušák, M.; Rodrigues, V. O.; Todorčević, Stevo ; Tomita, A. H.Maximal almost disjoint families and pseudocompactness of hyperspaces1-Jan-2022Topology and its Applications; 305; 107872~M23
12Bonnet, Robert; Kubiś, Wiesław; Todorčević, Stevo Ultrafilter selection and Corson compacta2022Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas; 116; 178~M21a
13Guevara Parra, Francisco; Todorčević, Stevo Types of countable sequential groups1-Sep-2020Topology and its Applications; 283; 107337M23
14Ferenczi, Valentin; Lopez-Abad, Jorge; Mbombo, Brice; Todorčević, Stevo Amalgamation and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces5-Aug-2020Advances in Mathematics; 369; 107190M21
15Kuzeljević, Boriša; Todorčević, Stevo P-ideal dichotomy and a strong form of the suslin hypothesis19-Jun-2020Fundamenta Mathematicae; 251(1); 17-33M23
16Todorčević, Stevo ; Xiao, M.A Borel chain condition of T(X)1-Apr-2020Acta Mathematica Hungarica; 160(2); 314-319M23
17Avilés, Antonio; Todorčević, Stevo Lexicographic products as compact spaces of the first Baire class1-Nov-2019Topology and its Applications; 267M23
18Avilés, Antonio; Martínez-Cervantes, Gonzalo; Plebanek, Grzegorz; Todorčević, Stevo On Fragmentable Compact Lines1-Jun-2019Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics; 16(3)M21
19Peng, Yinhe; Todorčević, Stevo Powers of countable Fréchet spaces1-Jan-2019Fundamenta Mathematicae; 245(1); 39-54M23
20Kurilić, Miloš; Todorčević, Stevo Posets of Copies of Countable Non-Scattered Labeled Linear Orders1-Jan-2019Order : A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and its Applications; 37; 59-72M23


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 1630Representation of Proofs with Applications, Classification of Structures and Infinite Combinatorics01-01-200231-12-2005Došen, Kosta