Milovanović, Miloš

Full Name
Milovanović, Miloš
Scopus Author ID

- 1 apofatičko bogoslavlje | liturgičko vreme | vizantiska era | fraktalna geometrija | kompleksni sistemi | postmoderna nauka
- 1 Approximate and sample entropy | Copulas | Cross-entropy | Dependency structures | Probability integral transformation
- 1 arrow of time | hidden Markov model | self-organization | statistical complexity | theory of musical forms | time operator | wavelets
- 1 Computational geometry | Dyadic numbers | Multiresolution
- 1 Creativity/imagination | Neuroaesthetics | Originality | Personality | Self-organized systems
- 1 cultural heritage digitization | digital repositories | user experience
- 1 experimental mathematics | general measurement | time operator | frame wavelets | optimal decomposition
- 1 fractal geometry | hidden Markov model | iconography | self-organized systems | self-similarity | wavelets
- 1 hijerarhijski idealizam | magijsko ime | pitagorejski mit | apsolutna mitologija | ikonografija | kontinuum | hronotop
- 1 Intuitionism | Measurement problem | Multiresolution hierarchy | Real numbers | Self-organization | Time operator
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