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Showing results 195 to 214 of 255 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Perović, AleksandarA Probabilistic Temporal Epistemic LogicSep-202110th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021, September 20 - 24, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia; Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021; 33M34
Ognjanović, Zoran ; Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Perović, AleksandarA Probabilistic Temporal Epistemic Logic, Part II: Decidability2024Logic Journal Of The Igpl; 35(5); 827-879~M21a
Ognjanović, Zoran ; Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Perović, AleksandarA probabilistic temporal epistemic logic: Strong completeness2024Logic Journal of the IGPL; 32(1); 94-138~M21
Doder, Dragan; Ognjanović, Zoran Probabilistic temporal logic with countably additive semantics2024Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 175(9); 103389~M21
Dautović, Šejla ; Doder, Dragan; Ognjanović, Zoran Probabilistic-Temporal Logic with Actions202211th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2022, September 26 - 29, 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia; Book of Abstracts; 19-20M34
Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Perović, AleksandarProbability Logics for Reasoning About Quantum Observations2023Logica Universalis; 17; 175-219~M21
Jočić, Dragan ; Štajner-Papuga, IvanaProblem of distributivity between quasi-linear means and uni-nullnorms2022IEEE 20th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2022), September 15-17 2022 Subotica; Proceedings; 205-210M33
Al-Yakoob, Salem; Filipovski, Slobodan; Stevanović, Dragan Proofs of a few special cases of a conjecture on energy of non-singular graphsi1-Jan-2021Match; 86(3); 577-586~M22
Milićević, Luka Quantitative inverse theorem for gowers uniformity norms U5 and U6 in Fn22023Canadian Journal of Mathematics~M21
Dautović, Šejla ; Doder, Dragan; Ognjanović, Zoran Reasoning about knowledge and conditional probability1-Dec-2023International Journal of Approximate Reasoning; 163; 109037~M22
Jočić, Dragan ; Štajner-Papuga, IvanaRelaxed distributivity laws for semi-t-operators and disjunctive uninorms16-Sep-202119th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, SISY 2021, Subotica 16 September 2021 - 18 September 2021; 113-118M33
Huang, Huaping; Todorčević, Vesna ; Radenović, StojanRemarks on Recent Results for Generalized F-Contractions2022Mathematics; 10(5); 768~M21a
Šegan-Radonjić, Marija ; Todorčević, Vesna Rodna struktura Matematičkog instituta SAN od 1946. do 1961. godine2022Rod, znanje i moć: istorija, nasleđe i značaj naučnica u Srbiji; 83-95M44
Dolinka, Igor; Đurđev, Ivana ; East, JamesSandwich semigroups in diagram categories13-Aug-2021International Journal of Algebra and Computation~M23
Vesić, Nenad ; Zdravković, Nemanja; Simjanović, DušanSecuring Online Assesments Using Christoffel Symbols2021The 11th International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2020), 24-25 September, Belgrade, Serbia; 54-57M33
Milovanović, Miloš Self-organization as a processing of hidden causal information2013Theoretical Approaches to Bioinformation Systems - TABIS 2013, 17-22 September 2013, Belgrade; Book of abstractsM34
Ivković, Stefan Semi-Fredholm theory in C∗ -algebras2023Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis; 17(3); 51~M22
Saulig, Nicoletta; Milovanović, Miloš ; Miličić, Siniša; Lerga, JonatanSignal Useful Information Recovery by Overlapping Supports of Time-Frequency Representations2022IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; 70; 5504-5517~M21
Popović, Miroslav; Popović, Marko; Kaštelan, Ivan; Đukić, Miodrag; Ghilezan, Silvia A Simple Python Testbed for Federated Learning Algorithms20232023 IEEE Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference, ZINC 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia; 148-153M33
Đorđević, Bogdan Singular Lyapunov operator equations: applications to C∗- algebras, Fréchet derivatives and abstract Cauchy problems1-Dec-2021Analysis and Mathematical Physics; 11(4); 160~M21a