Authors: Milovanović, Miloš 
Affiliations: Mathematics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Multiresolution analysis in terms of intuitionist mathematics
First page: 37
Related Publication(s): Abstract booklet
Conference: Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practice, CM:FP 2023, June 26-30, 2023, Niš
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M34
Multiresolution analysis, which is a concept that has stemmed from optics, refers to a specific
construction in the Hilbert space in order to produce orthogonal wavelets [1]. A generalization to
biorthogonal or frame wavelets also applies. The construction is based upon a scale self-similarity which
gives rise to a cascade family of approximation subspaces. It is computationally attractive in terms of
intuitionist mathematics that considers the time continuum to be a primordial intuition of consciousness
[2]. The time operator of wavelets should decompose the Hilbert space into detail subspaces at successive scales, which are wandering by a bilateral shift. A significant link to the measurement problem provides a statistical model that has been proven tremendously useful in a variety of applications [3].
Keywords: wavelets | time operator | intuitionism

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