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Showing results 102 to 121 of 255 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia Kripke-style semantics and completeness for full simply typed Lambda calculus1-Jan-2021Journal of Logic and Computation; 30(8); 1567-1608~M21
Baralić, Đorđe ; Limić, VladaThe law of large numbers for the bigraded Betti numbers of a random simplicial complex1-Feb-2021Russian Mathematical Surveys; 76(1); 186-189~M21a
Tabatabaie, Seyyed Mohammad; Ivković, Stefan Linear dynamics of discrete cosine functions on solid Banach function spaces2021Positivity~M21
Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Perović, AleksandarThe logic ILP for intuitionistic reasoning about probability202211th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2022, September 26 - 29, 2022; Book of Abstracts; 25-26M34
Ilić Stepić, Angelina ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Perović, AleksandarThe Logic ILP for Intuitionistic Reasoning About Probability2024Studia Logica; 112; 987-1017~M21
Lehnherr, David; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Studer, ThomasA Logic of Interactive Proofs2022Logical Foundations of Computer Science; International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2022; 13137; 143-155M33
Lehnherr, David; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Studer, ThomasA Logic of Interactive ProofsSep-202110th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021, September 20 - 24, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia; Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021; 89-90M34
Lehnherr, David; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Studer, ThomasA logic of interactive proofs2022Journal of Logic and Computation; 32(8); 1645-1658~M21
Jevtić, Filip ; Vujošević, SlobodanLogic of the ontological argument2022Belgrade Philosophical Annual; 35; 111-114M24
Dautović, Šejla ; Doder, Dragan; Ognjanović, Zoran Logics for reasoning about degrees of confirmation31-May-2021Journal of Logic and Computation; 31(8); 2189-2217~M21
Dautović, Šejla ; Doder, Dragan; Ognjanović, Zoran Logics for Reasoning about Knowledge and Conditional ProbabilitySep-202110th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021, September 20 - 24, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia; Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021; 19-21M34
Baralić, Đorđe ; Milenković, LazarThe Magic Permutohedron2023Mathematical Intelligencer~M23
He, Xiaocong; Feng, Lihua; Stevanović, Dragan THE MAXIMUM SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAPHS WITH A LARGE CORE2023Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 39; 78-89~M22
Milovanović, Miloš The Measurement Problem in Statistical Signal Processing2023Mathematics; 11(22); 4623~M21a
Batanin, Michael; Markl, Martin; Obradović, Jovana Minimal models for graph-related (hyper)operads2023Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra; 227(7); 107329~M22
Baralić, Đorđe ; Vavpetič, A.; Vučić, A.Mod p Buchstaber invariant2024Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova; Topology, Geometry, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics : Collected papers. Dedicated to Victor Matveevich Buchstaber on the occasion of his 80th birthday; 326; 26-42M23
Milovanović, Miloš Multiresolution analysis in terms of intuitionist mathematics2023Constructive Mathematics: Foundations and Practice, CM:FP 2023, June 26-30, 2023, Niš; Abstract booklet; 37M34
Popović, Danijela A new approach to equivalence of games2023Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquium IV (CGTC IV), 23-25. januar, 2023, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Stević, Stevo New class of three-dimensional close-to-cyclic systems of difference equations solvable in closed form8-Dec-2021Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Simjanović, Dušan; Vesić, Nenad ; Ranđelović, Branislav; Zdravković, Nemanja; Vujadinović, Đ.A new cryptographic algorithm based on affine connection coefficients202112th International Conference on Business Information Security, Beograd, 2021; 71-74M33