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Tatić, Dušan
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Goynov, Maxim; Tatić, Dušan ; Paneva-Marinova, Desislava; Stanković, Radomir S.; Luchev, Detelin; Mitreva, Emanuela; Pavlova, Lilia3D Transformation of 2D Captured Museum Objects at Risk1-Jan-2024Smart Mobile Communication & Artificial Intelligence : Proceedings of the 15th IMCL Conference – Volume 2; 937 LNNS; 267-276M33
2Paneva-Marinova, Desislava; Luchev, Detelin; Goynov, Maxim; Mitreva, Emanuela; Pavlov, Radoslav; Tatić, Dušan Smart m-Observation and Study of Orthodox Art1-Jan-2024Smart Mobile Communication & Artificial Intelligence : Proceedings of the 15th IMCL Conference – Volume 2; 937 LNNS; 57-62M33
3Stanković, Radomir ; Tatić, Dušan ; Luchev, DetelinTowards an Integral Solution for Application of Information Technologies in Representation of Medieval Fortresses2024Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage; 14th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, DiPP 2024, Burgas, 26-29 September 2024; 14; 53-62M31
4Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir Augmented Reality Software in Presentation of Cultural and Historical Heritage2024Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage; 14th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, DiPP 2024, Burgas, 26-29 September 2024; 14; 71-82M31
5Станковић, Радомир ; Татић, Душан ; Јовановић, Марко; Стојановић, ЈованМогућности примене туристичких електронских водича као помоћних уџбеника у извођењу наставних јединица посвећених националној историјској, природној, културној и техничкој баштини2024Конференција Дигитална хуманистика одржана 25. и 26. септембра 2023. године, Народна библиотека Крушевац; Зборник радова; 159-170M63
6Hussain, Arbar; Ullah, Kifayat; Pamucar, Dragan; Haleemzai, Izatmand; Tatić, Dušan Assessment of Solar Panel Using Multiattribute Decision-Making Approach Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aczel Alsina Heronian Mean Operator2023International Journal of Intelligent Systems; 2023; 6268613~M21
7Vranić, Petar ; Tatić, Dušan Exploring the possibility of connecting the game engine and GIS as means of decision support in urban planning2023International Conference Synergy of Architecture & Civil Engineering SINARG. September 14-15, 2023; Proceedings; 723-732M33
8Tatić, Dušan ; Vranić, Petar ; Tešić, Bojan; Stanković, Miomir An Augmented Reality-Based Occupational Safety System - Users' Evaluation202219th International Conference “Man and Working Environment” - Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering & Management (OESEM), Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niš, 24-25 November, 2022M33
9Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Stojanović, Jovan; Jovanović, MarkoWar Museum of Niš under the Open Sky2022Review of the National Center for Digitization; 40; 43-49M53
10Tatić, Dušan Mobile Presentation of the War History of the City of Niš202212th International Conference Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage - DiPP2022, Burgas, Bulgaria, September 23-25, 2022; DiPP Proceedings; 12; 151-160M33
11Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Andrejević, Dušan; Arsić, NikolaMonument to the Liberators of Niš Talks on HistorySep-2021The Eighteenth National Conference Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Old Records from the Natural and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 14 September, 2021; Book of Abstracts of The Eighteenth National Conference Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Old Records from the Natural and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities; 12M64
12Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Andrejević, Dušan; Arsić, NikolaMonument to the Liberators of Niš Relates to Us the History Of The City2021Review of the National Center for Digitization; 39; 64-73M53
13Tatić, Dušan ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Stanković, Radomir Application of Information Technologies in Presentation of First World War Diaries2021Review of the National Center for Digitization; 1-18M52
14Ognjanović, Zoran ; Korać, Vanja ; Knežević, Milica ; Arsić, Aleksandra ; Novaković, Maja ; Vukelić, Dejan ; Aćimović, Dragan; Stanković, Radomir ; Tatić, Dušan Digitalna prezentacija kulturne baštine Novog Pazara2020M85
15Đukić, Aleksandra; Antonić, Branislav; Stanković, Radomir ; Tatić, Dušan Digital Mini-museum as an Innovative and Affordable Presentation of Local Heritage for Tourists: Example from Serbia20193rd Internacional Conference on Tourism and Business 27-29 August 2019; Book of Proceedings
16Tatić, Dušan An augmented reality system for improving health and safety in the electro-energetics industry2018Facta universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics; 31(4); 585-598
17Tatić, Dušan ; Tešić, BojanThe application of augmented reality technologies for the improvement of occupational safety in an industrial environment2017Computers in Industry; 85; 1-10M21