Stanković, Radomir

Full Name
Stanković, Radomir
Scopus Author ID

- 2 Bent functions | Fast Fourier transform | Permutation matrices | Ternary functions | Vilenkin-Chrestenson transform
- 2 Convolution | Finite groups | Polynomial expressions | Spectral representations
- 1 -hadamard matrices | Spectral techniques | Walsh transform
- 1 Adaptive transform | Haar-like transform | Minimization | Switching functions | Ternary logic
- 1 Adder | Arithmetic expression | Boolean expression | EXOR | Reed-Muller expression | Reed-Muller transform
- 1 AND/EXOR expressions | Entropy | Functional decomposition | Minimization | Switching functions
- 1 Applications of design theory | Decision diagrams | Discrete functions | Discrete transforms | Haar transform | Switching theory | Wavelet transforms
- 1 Arithmetic expressions | Fourier transform | Haar expressions | Quaternion groups
- 1 Arithmetic | Binary codes | Binary decision diagrams | Boolean functions | Computer science | Data structures | Decision trees | Libraries | Logic
- 1 Augmented Reality | Cultural Heritage | Mobile Guide
- next >
Date issued
- 19 2020 - 2025
- 81 2010 - 2019
- 71 2000 - 2009
- 22 1990 - 1999
- 4 1980 - 1989
Results 1-20 of 197 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank | |
1 | Stanković, Radomir ; Tatić, Dušan ; Luchev, Detelin | Towards an Integral Solution for Application of Information Technologies in Representation of Medieval Fortresses | 2024 | Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage; 14th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, DiPP 2024, Burgas, 26-29 September 2024; 14; 53-62 | M31 |
2 | Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir | Augmented Reality Software in Presentation of Cultural and Historical Heritage | 2024 | Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage; 14th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, DiPP 2024, Burgas, 26-29 September 2024; 14; 71-82 | M31 |
3 | Станковић, Радомир ; Татић, Душан ; Јовановић, Марко; Стојановић, Јован | Могућности примене туристичких електронских водича као помоћних уџбеника у извођењу наставних јединица посвећених националној историјској, природној, културној и техничкој баштини | 2024 | Конференција Дигитална хуманистика одржана 25. и 26. септембра 2023. године, Народна библиотека Крушевац; Зборник радова; 159-170 | M63 |
4 | Moraga, Claudio; Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena | p-valued Maiorana-McFarland Functions Structure of Their Reed-Muller Spectra | 1-Dec-2023 | Journal of Applied Logics; 10(6); 1131-1151 | |
5 | Stanković, Milena; Stanković, Radomir ; Moraga, Claudio; Astola, Jaakko T. | Construction of Ternary Bent Functions From Ternary Linear Functions | 18-May-2022 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 52nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2022 18 May 2022 through 20 May 2022; 50-55 | |
6 | Moraga, Claudio; Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena | On new Properties of the Maiorana-McFarland Ternary Bent Functions | 18-May-2022 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 52nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2022 18 May 2022 through 20 May 2022; 56-61 | |
7 | Moraga, Claudio; Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena | Bent-based Realization of a Class of Ternary Plateaued Functions | 18-May-2022 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 52nd IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2022 18 May 2022 through 20 May 2022; 74-79 | |
8 | Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena; Astola, Jaakko; Moraga, Claudio | George J. Boole: A Nineteenth Century Man for the Modern Digital Era | 2022 | International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory EUROCAST 2022: Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2022; 13789; 19-26 | M33 |
9 | Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Stojanović, Jovan; Jovanović, Marko | War Museum of Niš under the Open Sky | 2022 | Review of the National Center for Digitization; 40; 43-49 | M53 |
10 | Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Andrejević, Dušan; Arsić, Nikola | Monument to the Liberators of Niš Talks on History | Sep-2021 | The Eighteenth National Conference Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Old Records from the Natural and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 14 September, 2021; Book of Abstracts of The Eighteenth National Conference Digitization of Cultural Heritage, Old Records from the Natural and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities; 12 | M64 |
11 | Stanković, Milena; Moraga, Claudio; Stanković, Radomir | Spectral invariance operations for the construction of ternary bent functions | 1-Jun-2021 | Journal of Applied Logics | |
12 | Moraga, Claudio; Stankovic, Milena; Stanković, Radomir | On ternary symmetric bent functions | 7-Jan-2021 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 50th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2020; Miyazaki; Japan; 9 November 2020 through 11 November 2020; 76-81 | M33 |
13 | Tatić, Dušan ; Stanković, Radomir ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Andrejević, Dušan; Arsić, Nikola | Monument to the Liberators of Niš Relates to Us the History Of The City | 2021 | Review of the National Center for Digitization; 39; 64-73 | M53 |
14 | Radmanović, Miloš; Stanković, Radomir | Construction of multiple-valued bent functions using subsets of coefficients in GF and RMF domains | 2021 | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems; E104D(8); 1103-1110 | ~M23 |
15 | Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena; Moraga, Claudio; Astola, Jaakko T. | Construction of ternary bent functions by FFT-like permutation algorithms | 2021 | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems; E104D(8); 1092-1102 | ~M23 |
16 | Tatić, Dušan ; Jovanović, Marko; Stojanović, Jovan; Stanković, Radomir | Application of Information Technologies in Presentation of First World War Diaries | 2021 | Review of the National Center for Digitization; 1-18 | M52 |
17 | Stanković, Radomir ; Stankovic, Milena; Moraga, Claudio; Astola, Jaakko T. | Construction of Ternary Bent Functions by FFT-like Permutation Algorithms | 1-Nov-2020 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 50th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2020; Miyazaki; Japan; 9 November 2020 through 11 November 2020 | M33 |
18 | Stojković, Suzana; Stanković, Radomir ; Moraga, Claudio; Stanković, Milena | Reversible Circuits Synthesis from Functional Decision Diagrams by using Node Dependency Matrices | 1-Apr-2020 | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers; 29(5); 2050079 | M23 |
19 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Korać, Vanja ; Knežević, Milica ; Arsić, Aleksandra ; Novaković, Maja ; Vukelić, Dejan ; Aćimović, Dragan; Stanković, Radomir ; Tatić, Dušan | Digitalna prezentacija kulturne baštine Novog Pazara | 2020 | M85 | |
20 | Stanković, Radomir ; Stanković, Milena; Astola, Jaakko; Moraga, Claudio | Remarks on Similarities among Ternary Bent Functions | 1-May-2019 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic; 49th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2019; Fredericton; Canada; 21 May 2019 through 23 May 2019; 2019-May; 79-84 |
Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT 1379 | Methods of Mathematical Logic for Decision Support in Real Life Situations | 01-01-2002 | 31-12-2005 | Ognjanović, Zoran |