Authors: Goynov, Maxim
Tatić, Dušan 
Paneva-Marinova, Desislava
Stanković, Radomir S.
Luchev, Detelin
Mitreva, Emanuela
Pavlova, Lilia
Affiliations: Computer Science 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: 3D Transformation of 2D Captured Museum Objects at Risk
Series/Report no.: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume: 937 LNNS
First page: 267
Last page: 276
Related Publication(s): Smart Mobile Communication & Artificial Intelligence : Proceedings of the 15th IMCL Conference – Volume 2
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Rank: M33
ISBN: 978-3-031-56074-3
ISSN: 2367-3370
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-56075-0_25
This paper presents a methodology for 2D to 3D object transformation, based on 2D captured museum assets (such as old photos, scans, or other 2D digitized content) for items with limited access due to their age, value or fragile nature. The technology simplifies 3D object generation in order to reduce cost of hardware or personnel for 3D production. It is applicable for improved display of valuable artefacts in 3D web-based virtual museums, galleries, educational games, etc.
Keywords: 2D-3D Transformation | 3D Design | 3D Virtualization | Museum Objects in Risk
Publisher: Springer Link
Project: Project “Development of Software Tools and Multimedia Technologies for Digital Presentation, Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage” between the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2023–2025) and CLaDA-BG, the Bulgarian National Interdisciplinary Research e-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies in favor of the Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage, part of the EU infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, Grant number DO01–167/28.07.2022

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