Marinković, Bojan

Full Name
Marinković, Bojan
Scopus Author ID

- 1 3-sorted quasigroup | Coherent identity | Gem-ini identity | Homotopy | Isotopy | Quadratic identity | Quasigroup | Variety closed under isotopy (homotopy)
- 1 Abstract state machines | Chord | DHT-based overlay networks | Formal description | Peer-to-Peer
- 1 Abstract State Machines | DHT-based overlay networks | Peer-to-peer | Retrieval probability
- 1 AS | ATIZ | Austria-Forum | NBS | Serbia-Forum | VESTIGIA
- 1 Axiomatization | Decidability | Strong completeness | Temporal logic | Zero time transitions
- 1 blockchain | formal model | Multi-agent systems | specification/verification | temporal epistemic logic
- 1 Blockchain | Formal model | Multi-agent systems | Specification/verification | Temporal epistemic logic with probabilities
- 1 Chord | Correctness | DHT | Epistemic logic | IoT | Temporal logic
- 1 Covid-19 | Digital Contact Tracing | Distributed Hash Tables | Structured Overlay Networks | Bluetooth | GPS
- 1 Covid-19 | Digital Contact Tracing | Structured Overlay Networks
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Date issued
Results 1-20 of 57 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT 174026 | Representations of logical structures and formal languages and their application in computing | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Ghilezan, Silvia |
PROJECT 144013 | Representations of logical structures and their application in computer science | 01-01-2006 | 31-12-2010 | Ognjanović, Zoran |