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Showing results 129 to 148 of 255 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stević, Stevo ; Ahmed, Ahmed El Sayed; Kosmala, Witold; Šmarda, ZdeněkNote on a difference equation and some of its relatives2021Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences~M21
Stević, Stevo Note on a discrete initial value problem from a competition30-Jan-2021Advances in Difference Equations; 1; 90~M21a
Stević, Stevo Note on a new class of operators between some spaces of holomorphic functions2023AIMS Mathematics; 8(2); 4153-4167~M21a
Ahmed, Ahmed El Sayed; Iričanin, Bratislav; Kosmala, Witold; Stević, Stevo ; Šmarda, ZdeněkNote on constructing a family of solvable sine-type difference equations1-Dec-2021Advances in Difference Equations; 1; Art. no. 194~M21a
Stević, Stevo ; Iričanin, Bratislav; Kosmala, Witold; Šmarda, ZdeněkNote on difference equations with the right-hand side function nonincreasing in each variable1-Jan-2022Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 1; 25~M21a
Gowers, W. T.; Milićević, Luka A note on extensions of multilinear maps defined on multilinear varieties2021Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society; 64(2); 148-173M22
Damnjanović, Ivan; Milošević, Marko; Stevanović, Dragan A Note on Extremal Sombor Indices of Trees with a Given Degree Sequence1-Jan-2023Match; 90(1); 197-202~M22
Stević, Stevo Note on norm of an m-linear integral-type operator between weighted-type spaces21-Mar-2021Advances in Difference Equations; 1; 187~M21a
Stević, Stevo Note on norms of two integral-type operators on some spaces of functions on ℝnMay-2021Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences; 44(8); 6500-6514~M21
Bojković, Velibor; Nikolić, Jovana; Zekić, Mladen A note on rational surgeries on a Hopf link2023Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal; 2; 603-611~M23
Filipovski, Slobodan; Stevanović, Dragan A note on the bounds for the spectral radius of graphs2023Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 667; 1-9~M21
Stević, Stevo ; Iričanin, Bratislav; Kosmala, Witold; Šmarda, ZdeněkNote on theoretical and practical solvability of a class of discrete equations generalizing the hyperbolic-cotangent class17-Nov-2021Journal of Inequalities and Applications~M21a
Simjanović, Dušan; Vesić, Nenad NOVEL INVARIANTS FOR ALMOST GEODESIC MAPPINGS OF THE THIRD TYPE2021Miskolc Mathematical Notes; 22(2); 961-975~M22
Simjanović, Dušan J.; Vesić, Nenad ; Ignjatović, Jelena M.; Ranđelović, Branislav M.A novel surface fuzzy analytic hierarchy process2023Filomat; 37(11); 3357-3370~M22
Stević, Stevo ; Ahmed, A. El Sayed; Kosmala, Witold; Šmarda, ZdeněkOn a class of difference equations with interlacing indices1-Dec-2021Advances in Difference Equations; 297~M21a
Stević, Stevo ; Iričanin, Bratislav; Kosmala, WitoldOn a Class of Difference Equations with Interlacing Indices of the Fourth Order2023Acta Applicandae Mathematicae; 184(1); 8~M22
Stević, Stevo On a class of recursive relations for calculating square roots of numbers10-Aug-2022Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing~M21a
Stević, Stevo On a class of solvable difference equations generalizing an iteration process for calculating reciprocals1-Dec-2021Advances in Difference Equations; 1; Art. no. 205~M21a
Stević, Stevo ; Iričanin, Bratislav; Kosmala, WitoldOn a family of nonlinear difference equations of the fifth order solvable in closed form2023AIMS Mathematics; 8(10); 22662-22674~M21a
Vesić, Nenad ; Dimitrijević, Dragoljub; Đorđević, Goran; Milošević, Milan; Stojanović, MarkoOn a gauge invariant variable for scalar perturbations during inflation2022The 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union; Book of Abstracts; 59M34