Authors: Al-Yakoob, Salem
Stevanović, Dragan 
Affiliations: Mathematics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: On interval transmission irregular graphs
Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
Volume: 68
First page: 45
Last page: 68
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: ~M21а
ISSN: 1598-5865
DOI: 10.1007/s12190-021-01513-0
Transmission of a vertex v of a connected graph G is the sum of distances from v to all other vertices in G. Graph G is transmission irregular (TI) if no two of its vertices have the same transmission, and G is interval transmission irregular (ITI) if it is TI and the vertex transmissions of G form a sequence of consecutive integers. Here we give a positive answer to the question of Dobrynin [Appl Math Comput 340 (2019), 1–4] of whether infinite families of ITI graphs exist.
Keywords: Transmission irregular graph | Vertex transmission | Wiener complexity
Publisher: Springer Link

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