Đorđević, Bogdan

Full Name
Đorđević, Bogdan
Scopus Author ID

- 1 *-representations | Positive C*-valued maps | Non-unital quasi *-algebras | Noncommutative L2 -spaces | Topologically transitive operators
- 1 Abstract Cauchy problems | Equations in C - algebras ∗ | Fréchet derivative | Lyapunov operator equations
- 1 Closed operator | Sturm–Liouville problem | Sylvester equation
- 1 Closed operators | Spectral theory of self-adjoint operators | Sylvester equations
- 1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors | Frobenius norm | Jordan normal form | Least-squares solution | Matrix approximations | Matrix spectrum | Minimal-norm solution | Sylvester equation
- 1 Exponential and logarithmic functions | Higher-order Fréchet derivatives | Real Banach algebras | Real functional calculus; Stochastic differential equations
- 1 Fredholm theory | Operator algebras | Sylvester equations
- 1 Generalized inverses | Nonlinear matrix equations | Sylvester equation | Yang–Baxter-like matrix equation
- 1 Hermitian matrices | Majorizations | Positive (negative) definite matrices | Singular values
- 1 Operator algebras | Operator equations | Operator modules | Topological function theory
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