Authors: Žunić, Joviša 
Koplowitz, Jack
Title: Representation of digital parabolas by least-square fit
Journal: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Volume: 2356
First page: 71
Last page: 78
Issue Date: 1-Jan-1995
ISBN: 978-0-819-41691-6
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.198619
The concept of noisy straight line introduced by Melter and Rosenfeld is generalized and applied for digital parabolas. It is proved that digital parabola segments and their least square parabola fits are in one-to-one correspondence. This enables a (first known) vector space representation of a digital parabola segment. One of such representations is (x1, n, a, b, c) where x1 and n are the x-coordinate of the left endpoint and the number of digital points, respectively, while a, b, and c are the coefficients of the least square parabola fit Y = aX2 + bX + c for the given parabola segment.
Publisher: SPIE

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