Limonchenko, Ivan

Full Name
Limonchenko, Ivan
Scopus Author ID

- 1 Bicomplex | Double cohomology | Moment-angle complex; Mathematics - Algebraic Topology; Mathematics - Algebraic Topology; Mathematics - Combinatorics; 13F55, 55N10, 55S20, 57S12
- 1 Bier sphere | Buchstaber number | Chromatic number | Flag complex
- 1 Bier sphere | nestohedron | Delzant polytope | quasitoric manifold | small cover | Buchstaber number
- 1 bigraded Betti numbers of a simple polytope | simple convex polytope | Stasheff polytope | associahedron | truncation polytope | stacked polytope | moment-angle manifold
- 1 Flag nestohedra | Graph-associahedron | Massey products | Moment-angle manifold | Stanley-Reisner ring
- 1 moment-angle-complexes | quasitoric bundles | Quasitoric manifolds | Stanley-Reisner rings
- 1 polyhedral product | moment-angle manifold | Massey product | Lusternik–Schnirelmann category | polytope family | flag polytope | generating series | nestohedron | graph-associahedron
- 1 simple polytopes | Golod rings | moment-angle complexes | Stanley–Reisner rings
- 1 special unitary bordism | SU-manifolds | Chern classes | toric varieties | quasi-toric manifolds | Calabi–Yau manifolds
- 1 простые многогранники | кольца Голода | момент-угол комплексы | кольца Стенли – Райснера
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