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Dragović, Vladimir
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Results 61-80 of 151 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
61Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaTopological Invariants for Elliptical Billiards and Geodesics on Ellipsoids in the Minkowski Space1-Jun-2017Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States); 223(6); 686-694
62Gajić, Borislav ; Dragović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Božidar On the Completeness of the Manakov Integrals1-Jun-2017Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States); 223(6); 675-685
63Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and the generalized Kowalevski top1-Jan-2017Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 44(2); 229-236M24
64Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar INTEGRATION OF so(n-2) AND so(n-3) SYMMETRIC TOPS20176th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 19th - 21th of June 2017, Tara, Serbia; 1-5M30
65Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Some Recent Generalizations of the Classical Rigid Body Systems1-Dec-2016Arnold Mathematical Journal; 2(4); 511-578
66Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Four-dimensional generalization of the Grioli precession2016Sixth International Conference Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems GDIS 2016, Izhevsk, Russia; 19-19M30
67Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar Note on free symmetric rigid body motion19-May-2015Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 20(3); 293-308M22
68Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPeriods of Pseudo-Integrable Billiards1-Mar-2015Arnold Mathematical Journal; 1(1); 69-73
69Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPseudo-integrable billiards and double reflection nets1-Jan-2015Russian Mathematical Surveys; 70(1); 1-31M21a
70Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and their applications1-Jan-2015Springer Proceedings in Physics; International School and Workshop on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics and Natural Hazards, 2013; Sofia; Bulgaria; 28 November 2013 through 2 December 2013; 163; 49-58M14
71Gajić, Borislav ; Dragović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Božidar On the completeness of the Manakov integrals1-Jan-2015Fundamental and Applied Mathematics / Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika; 20(2); 35-49
72Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaTopological invariants for elliptical billiards and geodesics on ellipsoids in the Minkowski space1-Jan-2015Fundamental and Applied Mathematics; 20(2); 51-64
73Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar THE INTEGRABILITY OF A MOTION OF A SYMMETRIC RIGID BODY20155th Serbian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Arandjelovac, 15. - 17. June, 2015; 1-6M30
74Dragović, Vladimir Discriminantly separable polynomials2015Bulletin de l'Académie serbe des sciences. Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques; 40; 75-97M51
75Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaSystems of Kowalevski type and discriminantly separable polynomials1-Mar-2014Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 19(2); 162-184M22
76Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaPseudo-integrable billiards and arithmetic dynamics1-Jan-2014Journal of Modern Dynamics; 8(1); 109-132M21
77Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaRole of discriminantly separable polynomials in integrable dynamical systems1-Jan-2014AIP Conference Proceedings; Physics Conference, TIM 2013; West University of Timisoara; Romania; 21 November 2013 through 24 November 2013; 1634; 3-8
78Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaDiscriminantly separable polynomials and quad-equations1-Jan-2014Journal of Geometric Mechanics; 6(3); 319-333M21
79Dragović, Vladimir ; Kukić, KatarinaThe Sokolov case, integrable Kirchhoff elasticae, and genus 2 theta functions via discriminantly separable polynomials1-Jan-2014Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics; 286(1); 224-239M23
80Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaBicentennial of the great poncelet theorem (1813-2013): Current advances1-Jan-2014Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; 51(3); 373-445M21a

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 144014Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-200631-12-2010Dragović, Vladimir
PROJECT 1643Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-200231-12-2005Dragović, Vladimir
PROJECT 174020Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Classical Mechanics and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-201131-12-2019Dragović, Vladimir