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Full Name
Dragović, Vladimir
Scopus Author ID
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Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 144014Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-200631-12-2010Dragović, Vladimir
PROJECT 1643Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-200231-12-2005Dragović, Vladimir
PROJECT 174020Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Classical Mechanics and Integrable Dynamical Systems01-01-201131-12-2019Dragović, Vladimir