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Martinović, Nemanja
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 3.011 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Stojković, N.; Vukotić, Branislav; Martinović, Nemanja ; Ćirković, Milan; Mićić, MiroslavErratum: Galactic habitability re-examined: indications of bimodality1-Dec-2019Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 490(4); 5217M21
2Stojković, N.; Vukotić, Branislav; Martinović, Nemanja ; Ćirković, Milan; Mićić, MiroslavGalactic habitability re-examined: Indications of bimodality1-Jan-2019Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 490(1); 408-416M21
3Martinović, Nemanja ; Mićić, MiroslavTwo channels for the formation of compact dwarf galaxies in clusters of galaxies1-Oct-2017Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 470(4); 4015-4025M21
4Martinović, Nemanja Evolucija patuljastih galaksija u jatima galaksija male mase2017doctoral thesis: Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u BeograduM70
5Mićić, Miroslav; Martinović, Nemanja ; Sinha, ManodeepA method for determining AGN accretion phase in field galaxies21-Sep-2016Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 461(3)M21
6Smailagić, Marijana; Mićić, Miroslav; Martinović, Nemanja Modelling the evolution of Ly α blobs and Ly α emitters11-Jun-2016Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 459(1); 84-98M21
7Smole, Majda; Mićić, Miroslav; Martinović, Nemanja SMBH growth parameters in the early universe of millennium and millennium-II simulations1-Jan-2015Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 451(2); 1964-1972
8Martinović, Nemanja Halo statistics analysis within medium volume cosmological n-body simulation1-Jan-2015Serbian Astronomical Journal; 1(190); 11-23M23
9Mićić, Miroslav; Martinović, Nemanja Agn phase: Matching numerical simulations to observations1-Jan-2014Proceedings of the XVII National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia; 17th National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia; Ceremonial Hall in Belgrade University Building Belgrade; Serbia; 23 September 2014 through 27 September 2014; 263-268