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Đurić, Miloš
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Stančić, Goran; Đurić, Miloš ; Jovanović, Bojan; Cvetković, StevicaA complexity analysis of IIR filters with an approximately linear phase1-Jan-2019Radioengineering; 27(2); 430-438M23
2Đurić, Miloš ; Stančić, Goran; Živković, MilošA new method for design of selective digital IIR filters with arbitraryphase24-Feb-2018Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics; 17(3); 191-204M24
3Đurić, Miloš ; Stančić, GoranSelective digital filters with quadratic phase1-Jan-2016International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications; 44(9); 1730-1741M22
4Stančić, Goran; Petrović, Miljan; Đurić, Miloš Selektivni digitalni filtri sa kvadratnom faznom karakteristikom realizovani paralelnom vezom allpass filtara201660. Konferencije za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku ETRAN 2016; 1-6M30
5Đurić, Miloš ; Stanković, MilenaMusic Genre Classification Based On Signal Rhythmic Segmentation2015Probabilistic logics and applications 2015; 27-28M60
6Đurić, Miloš ; Stančić, GoranSynthesis of All-Pass Functions for Signal Compression and Expansion2014The Second Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems, TINKOS 2013; 35-36M60
7Đurić, Miloš On Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence and Some Modifications of Dempster’s Rule of Combination2013The First Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems, TINKOS 2013; 10-10M60
8Đurić, Miloš ; Ilić, Velimir ; Stanković, MiomirThe Computation of Mathematical Expectation and Covariance on Junction Trees2012Probabilistic logics and applications 2012; 15-15M60
9Đurić, Miloš ; Stanković, MilenaMusic Genre Recognition and Classification2011International Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies-ICEST 2011; 27-30M30