Authors: Stančić, Goran
Đurić, Miloš 
Jovanović, Bojan
Cvetković, Stevica
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: A complexity analysis of IIR filters with an approximately linear phase
Journal: Radioengineering
Volume: 27
Issue: 2
First page: 430
Last page: 438
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Rank: M23
ISSN: 1210-2512
DOI: 10.13164/RE.2019.0430
In this paper, a comprehensive analysis of hardware complexity of different configurations for the realization of approximately linear phase filters is presented. Hardware complexity for the realization of the parallel all-pass structure (PA) is compared to the standard elliptic filters with the adequate group delay corrector (EC) in cascade. Both considered filters are designed to have the same cutoff frequency and magnitude approximation error, as well as the same maximal group delay error in all pass-bands. All analyzed infinite impulse response (IIR) filters will have an elliptic shape magnitude and approximately linear phase (i.e. constant group delay). In addition, the resulting group delay error of all the considered filters has an equiripple nature. The performed analysis revealed that consistently better results could be achieved with PA filters in terms of power consumption and hardware complexity. At the same time, the PA filters introduce significantly lower delay. The filter banks for efficient sub-band coding and signal transmission in communication systems could be successfully realized using the PA filters. The results presented here could be a valuable resource for designers of IIR filters to select the appropriate configuration for realization.
Keywords: All-pass filters | Approximately linear phase | Elliptic filters | Equiripple approximation error | Filter banks | FPGA analysis
Publisher: Czech Technical University
Project: Development, realization, optimization and monitoring of a 5kWp grid-connected modular Sun-tracking photovoltaic system 

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