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Stević, Stevo
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Results 381-400 of 473 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
381Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation between bloch type spaces1-Apr-2007Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 9(2); 195-205M23
382Berenhaut, Kenneth; Stević, Stevo The difference equation xn + 1 = α + frac(xn - k, ∑i = 0k - 1 ci xn - i) has solutions converging to zero15-Feb-2007Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; 326(2); 1466-1471M21
383Berenhaut, Kenneth; Stević, Stevo The global attractivity of a higher order rational difference equation15-Feb-2007Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; 326(2); 940-944M21
384Stević, Stevo Continuity with respect to symbols of composition operators on the weighted Bergman space1-Jan-2007Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics; 11(4); 1177-1188M23
385Chang, Der Chen; Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo On some integral operators on the unit polydisk and the unit ball1-Jan-2007Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics; 11(5); 1251-1285M23
386Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Integral type operators from mixed-norm spaces to α-Bloch spaces1-Jan-2007Integral Transforms and Special Functions; 18(7); 485-493M23
387Stević, Stevo Existence of nontrivial solutions of a rational difference equation1-Jan-2007Applied Mathematics Letters; 20(1); 28-31M22
388Berenhaut, Kenneth; Foley, John; Stević, Stevo The global attractivity of the rational difference equation yn = frac(yn - k + yn - m, 1 + yn - k yn - m)1-Jan-2007Applied Mathematics Letters; 20(1); 54-58M22
389Stević, Stevo Asymptotic periodicity of a higher-order difference equation1-Jan-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
390Stević, Stevo On the recursive sequence (Equation Presented)1-Jan-2007Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 13(1); 41-46M21
391Avetisyan, Karen; Stević, Stevo Equivalent conditions for bergman space and littlewood-paley type inequalities1-Jan-2007Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 9; 15-28M23
392Stević, Stevo A short proof of the Cushing-Henson conjecture11-Dec-2006Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2006M22
393Berenhaut, Kenneth; Foley, John; Stević, Stevo Boundedness character of positive solutions of a max difference equation1-Dec-2006Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 12(12); 1193-1199M21
394Stević, Stevo Boundedness and compactness of an integral operator on a weighted space on the polydisc1-Dec-2006Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; 37(6); 343-355M23
395Stević, Stevo Asymptotic behavior of a class of nonlinear difference equations11-Oct-2006Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2006M22
396Berenhaut, Kenneth; Stević, Stevo The behaviour of the positive solutions of the difference equation x n = A + (xn-2/xn-1)p1-Sep-2006Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 12(9); 909-918M21
397Berenhaut, Kenneth; Foley, John; Stević, Stevo Quantitative bounds for the recursive sequence yn + 1 = A + frac(yn, yn - k)1-Sep-2006Applied Mathematics Letters; 19(9); 983-989M23
398Berg, Lothar; Stević, Stevo Periodicity of some classes of holomorphic difference equations1-Aug-2006Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 12(8); 827-835M21
399Stević, Stevo On monotone solutions of some classes of difference equations30-Jun-2006Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2006M22
400Berenhaut, Kenneth; Stević, Stevo A note on positive non-oscillatory solutions of the difference equation xn+1 = α + xn-kp/xn p1-May-2006Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 12(5); 495-499M21


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