Žunić, Joviša

Full Name
Žunić, Joviša
Scopus Author ID

- 3 Early vision | Image processing | Orientation | Shape
- 2 Curves | Image processing | Linearity measure | Shape
- 2 Finite point sets | Linearity | Moments
- 2 Measurement | Polygons | Rectilinearity | Shape
- 1 (k, k)-grid | Complexity | Farey sequence | General position | k-valued s-threshold perceptron | Minimal pair | Multiple-valued logic | Partition | Separability
- 1 (m,n)-grids in the plane | computational complexity | Computational geometry | linear partitions | point sets
- 1 2D Curves | 3D Curves | Compound curves | Image processing | Linearity measure | Shape | Shape descriptors
- 1 3D moment invariants | 3D shape | Computer vision | Image processing | Shape compactness | Shape ellipsoidness
- 1 3D moments | 3D shape measure | Fitting 3D shapes | Fitting objects by cylinders | Invariants | Object fitting efficiency
- 1 3D shape | Compactness measure | Image processing
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Date issued
Results 81-94 of 94 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank | |
81 | Klette, Reinhard; Stojmenović, Ivan; Žunić, Joviša | A parametrization of digital planes by least-squares fits and generalizations | 1-Jan-1996 | Graphical Models and Image Processing; 58(3); 295-300 | |
82 | Žunić, Joviša | A coding scheme for certain sets of digital curves | 1-Jan-1995 | Pattern Recognition Letters; 16(1); 97-104 | |
83 | Žunić, Joviša ; Koplowitz, Jack | Representation of digital parabolas by least-square fit | 1-Jan-1995 | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; 2356; 71-78 | |
84 | Acketa, Dragan; Žunić, Joviša | On the maximal number of edges of convex digital polygons included into an m × m-grid | 1-Jan-1995 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A; 69(2); 358-368 | |
85 | Klette, Reinhard; Stojmenović, Ivan; Žunić, Joviša | A representation of digital planes by least square fits | 1-Jan-1995 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 6th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 1995; Prague; Czech Republic; 6 September 1995 through 8 September 1995; 970; 753-758 | M23 |
86 | Ivić, Aleksandar; Koplowitz, Jack; Žunić, Joviša | On the number of digital convex polygons | 1-Dec-1994 | IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings; IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 1994; Trondheim; Norway; 27 June 1994 through 1 July 1994; 110 | |
87 | Acketa, Dragan; Žunić, Joviša | A simple construction of a digital convex n-gon with almost minimal diameter | 1-Jan-1994 | Information Sciences; 77(3-4); 275-291 | |
88 | Ivić, Aleksandar; Koplowitz, Jack; Žunić, Joviša | On the Number of Digital Convex Polygons Inscribed into an (m, m)-Grid | 1-Jan-1994 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; 40(5); 1681-1686 | |
89 | Ivić, Aleksandar; Koplowitz, Jack; Žunić, Joviša | Number of digital convex polygons inscribed into an (m,m)-grid | 1-Dec-1993 | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vision Geometry II 1993; Boston; United States; 7 September 1993 through 10 September 1993; 2060; 78-88 | |
90 | Melter, Robert; Stojmenović, Ivan; Žunić, Joviša | Statistical characterization of digital lines | 9-Apr-1993 | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vision Geometry 1992; Boston; United States; 16 November 1992; 1832; 142-149 | |
91 | Melter, Robert; Stojmenović, Ivan; Žunić, Joviša | A new characterization of digital lines by least square fits | 1-Jan-1993 | Pattern Recognition Letters; 14(2); 83-88 | |
92 | Acketa, Dragan; Žunić, Joviša | On the number of linear partitions of the (m, n)-grid | 17-May-1991 | Information Processing Letters; 38(3); 163-168 | |
93 | Žunić, Joviša | Computational Geometry on an Integer Grid | 1991 | doctoral thesis: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu | M70 |
94 | Žunić, Joviša | Algorithms on Periodic Grids | 1989 | master thesis: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu | M71 |
Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT 1625 | Advanced Mathematical Methods for Cryptographic Security and Modelling of Information | 01-01-2002 | 31-12-2005 | Mihaljević, Miodrag J. |
PROJECT 144018 | Advanced methods for cryptology and information processing | 01-01-2006 | 31-12-2010 | Mihaljević, Miodrag J. |
PROJECT 174008 | Advanced Techniques of Cryptology, Image Processing and Computational Topology for Information Security | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Mihaljević, Miodrag J. |
PROJECT III 044006 | Development of new information and communication technologies, based on advanced mathematical methods, with applications in medicine, telecommunications, power systems, protection of national heritage and education | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Ognjanović, Zoran |