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Showing results 71 to 90 of 262 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Šegan-Radonjić, Marija Da li je Matematički institut prvi institut Srpske akademije nauka? Povodom obeležavanja 75 godina od osnivanja Matematičkog instituta2021Phlogistion – Časopis za istoriju i filozofiju nauke i tehnologije; 29; 153-173M53
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. Data Security for AI Systems Training Employing Advanced Blockchain Techniques - Invited talk2023International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application (Data Science and Technology Session)M32
S. Xu; H. He; Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; S. Zhang; W. Shao; Q. WangDBC-MulBiLSTM: A DistilBERT-CNN Feature Fusion Framework enhanced by multi-head self-attention and BiLSTM for smart contract vulnerability detection2025123; 110096~M21
Vranić, Petar ; Glišović, Srđan; Velimirović, Lazar Decision Support for Integrated Management of Local-Level Adaptation to Climate Changes: The Case of Serbia28-May-2021International Journal of Disaster Risk Science; 12(4); 479-494~M21
Janjić, Aleksandar; Velimirović, Lazar ; Vranić, Petar Designing an electricity distribution reward-penalty scheme based on spatial reliability statisticsJun-2021Utilities Policy; 70(2021); 1-9~M22
Jovanović, Đorđe ; Milenković, Branislav Determination of dynamic load factor for single element camshaft using various laws of follower motion20218th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30 2021; 52-53M34
Milenković, Branislav ; Karličić, Danilo ; Jovanović, Đorđe Determination of natural frequency and amplitude ratio of a Rayleigh double beam system with a Keer middle layer subjected to compressive axial load2021XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Enviromental Protection IIZS, 7-8 October 2021; 103-111M33
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, Aleksandar; Vranić, Petar ; Velimirović, Jelena ; Petkovski, Ivana Determining the Optimal Route of Electric Vehicle using a Hybrid Algorithm based on Fuzzy Dynamic Programming2023IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; 31(2); 609-618~M21a
Marinković, Bojan ; Šegan-Radonjić, Marija ; Novaković, Maja ; Ognjanović, Zoran Digital Documentation Management of Cultural Heritage2022Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis; 2133-2155M14
Milošević, I.; Stojanović, A.; Petkovski, Ivana DIGITALISATION AS A DRIVER OF EXPECTED PERFORMANCES IN SMES2024117th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Contemporary Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Global Economy", October 18-19, 2024.; Book of Proceedings, Special Issue: Modern Trends in Economic and Social Development; 111-117M33
Šegan-Radonjić, Marija ; Tapavički-Ilić, MilicaDigitisation and Data Management of Archaeological Heritage in Serbia (1991-2020)2021Internet Archaeology; 58M24
Petkovski, Ivana Discussing demographic and economic implications of electricity use in European countries with diverse climatic zone2022Sustainable Development and Green Economy; 101-102M34
Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan Dispersion Problem Under Capacity and Cost Constraints: Multiple Neighborhood Tabu Search25-Jun-2022International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research MOTOR 2022: Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research; 13367; 108-122M33
Knežević, Milica Dizajn sistema zasnovanih na blokčejn pametnim ugovorima: karakteristike, sigurnost i ilustrativni primeri2023Informaciona bezbjednost – stanje i perspektive, CANU, Podgorica, 14.2.2023
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, A.; Vranić, Petar ; Petkovski, Ivana ; Velimirović, Jelena Dynamic electric vehicle routing problem20218th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021 – Proceedings; 8th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021. Universtiy of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 3rd December 2021.; 29-32M33
Brimberg, Jack; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad Efficient flow models for the uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem on non-triangular networks1-Dec-2021Computers and Industrial Engineering; 162; 107723~M21
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Nǎdǎban, SorinEmpiric Solutions to Full Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems Using the Generalized “min” Operator2023Mathematics; 11(23); 4864~M21a
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Stanojević, MilanEmpirical (α, β)-acceptable optimal values to full fuzzy linear fractional programming problems2022Procedia Computer Science; 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, ITQM 2020 and 2021; 199; 34-39M33
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Stanojević, MilanEmpirical versus analytical solutions to full fuzzy linear programming1-Jan-2021Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 8th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, ICCCC 2020 ; Oradea; Romania; 11 May 2020 through 15 May 2020; 1243 AISC; 220-233
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Pantelić, O.; Dzitac, S.Enhanced Solutions to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Fractional Optimization Problems via Lexicographic Method1-Jan-2024International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control; 19(1); 6333~M22