Showing results 8 to 27 of 32
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, Aleksandar; Vranić, Petar ; Velimirović, Jelena ; Petkovski, Ivana | Determining the Optimal Route of Electric Vehicle using a Hybrid Algorithm based on Fuzzy Dynamic Programming | 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; 31(2); 609-618 | ~M21a |
Milošević, I.; Stojanović, A.; Petkovski, Ivana | DIGITALISATION AS A DRIVER OF EXPECTED PERFORMANCES IN SMES | 2024 | 117th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Contemporary Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Global Economy", October 18-19, 2024.; Book of Proceedings, Special Issue: Modern Trends in Economic and Social Development; 111-117 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana | Discussing demographic and economic implications of electricity use in European countries with diverse climatic zone | 2022 | Sustainable Development and Green Economy; 101-102 | M34 |
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, A.; Vranić, Petar ; Petkovski, Ivana ; Velimirović, Jelena | Dynamic electric vehicle routing problem | 2021 | 8th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021 – Proceedings; 8th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021. Universtiy of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 3rd December 2021.; 29-32 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana ; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Milošević, Isidora | The Granger causality of digital connectivity and trade globalization in the health crisis | 2024 | XX International May Conference on Strategic Management, May 31, 2024, Bor, Serbia; IMCSM24 Proceedings; 20(1); 221-231 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana ; Mihajlović, Ivan; Fedajev, Aleksandra | Hybrid CRITIC-TOPSIS model for prioritizing digitally developed countries in the light of energy indicators | 2022 | XVII International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM22 May 28, 2022, Bor, Serbia; IMCSM Proceedings; 264-277 | M33 |
Veličkovska, Ivana | Implementation of a SWOT-AHP methodology for strategic development of a district heating plant in fuzzy environment | 2022 | Strategic Management; 27(1); 43-56 | M24 |
Veličkovska, Ivana ; Stanujkić, Maja; Stanujkić, Ana; Gavrilović, Dijana; Dimitievska, Dragana | Implementation of the ecotourism concept in the National park Djerdap - business improvement | 2017 | Engineering Management – The International Student Journal for Theory and Practice of Management Science; 3(2); 12-25 | M50 |
Veličkovska, Ivana | The importance of teamwork in marketing: A case study | 2018 | 11th International Student Conference, Teams and Leaders: the way to success; 246-253 | M33 |
Veličkovska, Ivana | Investigating the influence of research and development indicators on five developed economies in Europe | 2020 | 2nd Virtual International Conference on Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation – PaKSom, November 16-17, 2020; 141-147 | M33 |
Mihajlović, Ivan; Dimitrievska, Dragana; Veličkovska, Ivana | Logistic process indicator (LPI) as the measure of infrastructural and regional development | 2020 | XV FIKUSZ 2020 International Conference - Symposium for young researchers; 5-23 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana ; Vranić, Petar | Modeling Education and Internet Usage: PCA and Linear Regression Approaches | 2025 | 6h Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation, Serbia, Niš, October 21-22, 2024; Proceedings; 71-78 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana ; Fedajev, Aleksandra; Bazen, Jacques | Modelling Complex Relationships between Sustainable Competitiveness and Digitalization | 2022 | Journal of Competitiveness; 14(2); 79-96 | ~M21 |
Veličkovska, Ivana | Organizational Citizenship Behavior - definition, determinants and effects | 2017 | Engineering Management – The International Student Journal for Theory and Practice of Management Science; 3(1); 40-51 | M50 |
Petkovski, Ivana ; Milošević, Isidora | Post-hoc analysis of digital development in PLS-SEM | 2024 | XX International May Conference on Strategic Management, May 31, 2024, Bor, Serbia; IMCSM24 Proceedings; 20(1); 260-270 | M33 |
Vranić, Petar ; Velimirović, Lazar ; Petkovski, Ivana | PREDICTION OF RUNOFF FROM ROOFS IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE CITY OF NIŠ BASED ON L-MOMENT AND GIS APPROACH | 2024 | FACTA UNIVERSITATIS : Working and Living Environmental Protection; 21(1); 59-70 | M52 |
Veličkovska, Ivana ; Mihajlović, Ivan; Njagulović, Boban | Prediction of the copper production in the framework of electrical energy consumption using artificial neural network | 2020 | International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM20 September 25-27, 2020, Bor, Serbia; 411-423 | M33 |
Petkovski, Ivana | Public and private investments in innovation activities in Serbia | 2021 | 3rd Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2021, November 15-16, 2021 | M33 |
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, Aleksandar; Vranić, Petar ; Petkovski, Ivana ; Velimirović, Jelena | Solving Electric Vehicle Routing Problem Using Hybrid Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming | 2023 | 31st Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2023, Belgrade, Serbia; 463-466 | |
Veličkovska, Ivana | A step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis of barriers to the use of biomass in the district heating system | 2022 | International Journal of Management and Decision; 21(3); 262-284 | M23 |