Browsing by Author Vranić, Petar

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 46 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Vranić, Petar ; Velimirović, Lazar The Analysis of Suitable Area for Solar Plant Construction in Nišava District: A GIS-MCDM Approach20206th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy, Niš, Serbia, December 14 - 15, 2020; eNergetics 2020 Conference Proceedings; 121-127M33
Vranić, Petar ; Veličkovska, Ivana Application of Multi-criteria Decision-making Methods in Energy Research - a Review20184th Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy eNergetics2018; 33-40M33
Velimirović, Jelena ; Velimirović, Lazar ; Vranić, Petar ; Janjić, AleksandarAssessing the Risk of SMEs Failure Using AHP Method2019How to prevent SMEs failure (Actions based on comparative analysis in Visegrad countries and Serbia); 131-153M42
Tatić, Dušan ; Vranić, Petar ; Tešić, Bojan; Stanković, Miomir An Augmented Reality-Based Occupational Safety System - Users' Evaluation202219th International Conference “Man and Working Environment” - Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering & Management (OESEM), Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niš, 24-25 November, 2022M33
Đurđević, Vladimir; Vranić, Petar Climate change and security2019Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Professional Conference “Security and Crises Management–Theory and Practice SeCMan 2019”; 5th International Scientific and Professional Conference “Security and Crises Management–Theory and Practice SeCMan 2019”. Belgrade, 03-04th October; 1-10M33
Vranić, Petar ; Glišović, SrđanConceptual framework for lifecycle management of adaptation projects to climate change at the local level using multicriteria analysis2017XXI international eco-conference, 12th Eco-conference on Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, Novi Sad, Serbia; 367-375M30
Vranić, Petar ; Zhiyanski, Miglena; Milutinović, SlobodanA conceptual framework for linking urban green lands ecosystem services with planning and design tools for amelioration of micro-climate1-Oct-2016Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences; 13(2-4); 129-143M23
Vranić, Petar ; Glišović, SrđanDecision making support tools for adaptation to climate change - a mini review2018Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection; 15(1); 73-80M52
Vranić, Petar ; Glišović, Srđan; Velimirović, Lazar Decision Support for Integrated Management of Local-Level Adaptation to Climate Changes: The Case of Serbia28-May-2021International Journal of Disaster Risk Science; 12(4); 479-494~M21
Janjić, Aleksandar; Velimirović, Lazar ; Vranić, Petar Designing an electricity distribution reward-penalty scheme based on spatial reliability statisticsJun-2021Utilities Policy; 70(2021); 1-9~M22
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, Aleksandar; Vranić, Petar ; Velimirović, Jelena ; Petkovski, Ivana Determining the Optimal Route of Electric Vehicle using a Hybrid Algorithm based on Fuzzy Dynamic Programming2023IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; 31(2); 609-618~M21a
Velimirović, Lazar ; Janjić, A.; Vranić, Petar ; Petkovski, Ivana ; Velimirović, Jelena Dynamic electric vehicle routing problem20218th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021 – Proceedings; 8th International conference Transport & Logistics - TIL2021. Universtiy of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Niš, 3rd December 2021.; 29-32M33
Jevremović, Ljiljana; Vranić, Petar ; Zdravković, DušanEducational Campus as a Paradigm for a Global Innovation – University of Nis Case Study2012First International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design (1-ICAUD) Epoka University, Tirana, April 19-21. 2012; 845-854M33
Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Vranić, Petar ; Marinković, AleksandraThe effects of changes to the post-socialist urban planning framework on public open spaces in multi-story housing areas: A view from Nis, Serbia1-Jan-2014Cities; 36; 83-92M21
Janjić, Aleksandar; Velimirović, Lazar ; Velimirović, Jelena ; Vranić, Petar Estimating the optimal number and locations of electric vehicle charging stations: the application of multi-criteria p-median methodology22-Oct-2021Transportation Planning and Technology; 44(8); 827-842M23
Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Vranić, Petar ; Vasilevska, MagdalenaEvaluating the Relationship between Urban Redevelopment of Large Housing Estates and Urban Green Space Based on GIS–MCDM Approach: Empirical Experience from Niš, Serbia2022Journal of Urban Planning and Development; 148(2)~M23
Vranić, Petar ; Tatić, Dušan Exploring the possibility of connecting the game engine and GIS as means of decision support in urban planning2023International Conference Synergy of Architecture & Civil Engineering SINARG. September 14-15, 2023; Proceedings; 723-732M33
Vranić, Petar ; Milutinović, SlobodanFrom local sustainable development towards climate change adaptation: A case study of Serbia2-Jan-2016International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology; 23(1); 71-82M22
Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Milanović, Danijela; Nikolić, Marko; Vranić, Petar ; Milojković, Aleksandar"Garage capitalism" as a form and process of post-socialist urban changes: Its pace, intensity and structural characteristics. A case study of Nis, Serbia1-Aug-2015Habitat International; 48; 149-158M21
Vranić, Petar ; Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Haas, TigranHybrid spatialities: Multi-storey extensions of socialist blocks of flats under post-socialist transition in Serbia, the case of Nis1-Jan-2015Urban Studies; 53(6); 1261-1277M21