Authors: Hedrih, Anđelka 
Title: Transition in oscillatory behavior in mouse oocyte and mouse embryo through oscillatory spherical net model of mouse zona pellucida
Journal: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
Volume: 93
First page: 295
Last page: 303
Conference: 12th International Conference on Dynamical Systems-Theory and Applications, DSTA 2013; Łódź; Poland; 2 December 2013 through 5 December 2013
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
ISBN: 978-3-319-08265-3
ISSN: 2194-1009
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08266-0_21
Zona pellucida, a 3D matrix that surrounds mammalian oocyte, dynamically changes its elasticity during the maturation and fertilization process. We consider fertilization as a biomechanical oscillatory phenomenon and hypothesized that mature oocyte and embryo are in different oscillatory states. Using an oscillatory spherical net model of mouse ZP [4], eigen circular frequencies of mouse oocyte and mouse embryo were calculated. Frequency analysis of circular frequencies of ZP under periodical external excitation force in the form of sperm cell impact was done for both states. To determine the conditions for dynamical absorption under impact of sperm cells on ZP of mouse oocyte and embryo, numerical analyses were done.
Publisher: Springer Link
Project: Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures. Mechanics of materials. 

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