Authors: Dragović, Vladimir 
Gajić, Borislav 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Matrix Lax polynomials, geometry of Prym varieties and systems of Hess-Appel'rot type
Journal: Letters in Mathematical Physics
Volume: 76
Issue: 2-3
First page: 163
Last page: 186
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2006
Rank: M22
ISSN: 0377-9017
DOI: 10.1007/s11005-006-0071-9
We consider a four-dimensional generalization of Hess-Appel'rot system and costruct its Lax pair. Both classical and algebro-geometric integration procedure are proceeded. The algebro-geometric integration is based on deep facts from geometry of Prym varieties such as the Mumford relation and Mumford-Dalalyan theory. The integration is similar to the integration of Lagrange bitop which has recetly been performed by the authors.
Keywords: Algebro-geometric integration | Four-dimensional Hess-Appel'rot system | Invariant relation | Lax pair | Prym variety | Rigid body motion
Publisher: Springer Link
Project: Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, Project No. 1643

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