Authors: Žunić, Joviša 
Hirota, Kaoru
Martinez-Ortiz, Carlos
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Compactness measure for 3D shapes
Conference: 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, ICIEV 2012, 18-19 May 2012
Issue Date: 26-Nov-2012
ISBN: 9781467311519
DOI: 10.1109/ICIEV.2012.6317466
In this paper we propose a new compactness measure which defines the degree to which a 3D shape differs from a perfect sphere. The new measure is easy to compute and satisfies the following desirable properties: - it ranges over (0, 1] and gives the measured compactness equal to 1 if and only if the measured shape is a sphere; - it is invariant with respect to translations, rotations and scaling. Compared with a naive 3D compactness measure, which consider the relation between the shape volume and surface area, the new measure performs better in the case of shapes with deep intrusions and in case of compound shapes. In contrast to such a compactness measure, the new measure depends on the mutual position of the components inside a compound shape. Several experimental results are provided in order to illustrate the behaviour of the new measure.
Keywords: 3D shape | compactness measure | image processing | moments
Publisher: IEEE

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