Authors: Dragović, Vladimir 
Radnović, Milena
Affiliations: Mechanics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Isoperiodic families of Poncelet polygons inscribed in a circle and circumscribed about conics from a confocal pencil
Journal: Geometriae Dedicata
Volume: 218
Issue: 3
First page: 81
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2024
Rank: ~M23
ISSN: 0046-5755
DOI: 10.1007/s10711-024-00929-9
Poncelet polygons inscribed in a circle and circumscribed about conics from a confocal family naturally arise in the analysis of the numerical range and Blaschke products. We examine the behaviour of such polygons when the inscribed conic varies through a confocal pencil and discover cases when each conic from the confocal family is inscribed in an n-polygon, which is inscribed in the circle, with the same n. Complete geometric characterization of such cases for n∈{4,6} is given and proved that this cannot happen for other values of n. We establish a relationship of such families of Poncelet quadrangles and hexagons to solutions of a Painlevé VI equation.
Keywords: Cayley-type conditions | Elliptic curves | Isoperiodic confocal families | Okamoto transformations | Painlevé VI equations | Poncelet polygons
Publisher: Springer Link
Project: Science Fund of Serbia grant Inte- grability and Extremal Problems in Mechanics, Geometry and Combinatorics, MEGIC, Grant No. 7744592

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