Authors: Stević, Stevo 
Title: An equivalent norm on BMO spaces
Journal: Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)
Volume: 66
Issue: 3-4
First page: 553
Last page: 564
Issue Date: 2000
ISSN: 0001-6969
Let p0. A Borel function f, locally integrable in the unit ball B, is said to be a BMOp(B) function if
where the supremum is taken over all balls B(ar) in B, and fB(ar) is the mean value of f over B(ar) . Let (B) denote the set of harmonic functions in open unit ball B, far(x) denotes f(a+rx) for arbitrary function f. The main result of this paper is to prove the following theorem: Let u(B), p1. Then a)
for n3, and b)
upBMOp=supaB0r1−ap(p−1)Buar(x)−uar(0)p−2uar(x)2ln1x−1+xdVN(x)for n=2.
Publisher: Birkhäuser Verlag

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