Authors: Dimitrijević, Ivan
Dragović, Branko 
Koshelev, Alexey
Rakić, Zoran
Stanković, Jelena
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Some cosmological solutions of a new nonlocal gravity model
Journal: Symmetry
Volume: 12
Issue: 6
First page: 917
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Rank: M22
ISSN: 2073-8994
DOI: 10.3390/SYM12060917
In this paper, we investigate a nonlocal modification of general relativity (GR) with action is an analytic function of the d'Alembertian □. We found a few exact cosmological solutions of the corresponding equations of motion. There are two solutions which are valid only if Λ ≠ 0, k = 0, and they have no analogs in Einstein's gravity with cosmological constant Λ. One of these two solutions is, that mimics properties similar to an interference between the radiation and the dark energy. Another solution is a nonsingular bounce one. For these two solutions, some cosmological aspects are discussed. We also found explicit form of the nonlocal operator F(□), which satisfies obtained necessary conditions.
Keywords: Cosmological solutions | Dark energy | Nonlocal gravity | Radiation
Publisher: MDPI

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