Authors: Marinković, Bojan 
Ognjanović, Zoran 
Doder, Dragan
Perović, Aleksandar
Title: A propositional linear time logic with time flow isomorphic to ω2
Journal: Journal of Applied Logic
Volume: 12
First page: 208
Last page: 229
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2014
Rank: M22
ISSN: 1570-8683
DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2014.03.002
Primarily guided with the idea to express zero-time transitions by means of temporal propositional language, we have developed a temporal logic where the time flow is isomorphic to ordinal ω2 (concatenation of ω copies of ω). If we think of ω2 as lexicographically ordered ω×ω, then any particular zero-time transition can be represented by states whose indices are all elements of some {n}×ω. In order to express non-infinitesimal transitions, we have introduced a new unary temporal operator [ω] (ω-jump), whose effect on the time flow is the same as the effect of α→α+ω in ω2. In terms of lexicographically ordered ω×ω , [ω]φ is satisfied in 〈i,j〉-th time instant iff φ is satisfied in 〈i+1,0〉-th time instant. Moreover, in order to formally capture the natural semantics of the until operator U, we have introduced a local variant u of the until operator. More precisely, φuψ is satisfied in 〈i,j〉-th time instant iff ψ is satisfied in 〈i,j+k〉-th time instant for some nonnegative integer k, and φ is satisfied in 〈i,j+l〉-th time instant for all 0≤lt≤k. As in many of our previous publications, the leitmotif is the usage of infinitary inference rules in order to achieve the strong completeness.
Keywords: Axiomatization | Decidability | Strong completeness | Temporal logic | Zero time transitions
Publisher: Elsevier

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