Authors: Kechris, Alexander
Sokić, Miodrag
Todorčević, Stevo 
Title: Ramsey properties of finite measure algebras and topological dynamics of the group of measure preserving automorphisms: Some results and an open problem
Journal: Contemporary Mathematics
Volume: 690
First page: 69
Last page: 85
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2017
ISSN: 0271-4132
DOI: 10.1090/conm/690/13863
We study in this paper ordered finite measure algebras from the point of view of Fräissé and Ramsey theory. We also propose an open problem, which is a homogeneous version of the Dual Ramsey Theorem of Graham- Rothschild, and derive consequences of a positive answer to the study of the topological dynamics of the automorphism group of a standard probability space and also the group of measure preserving homeomorphisms of the Cantor space.
Keywords: Structural ramsey theory | Topological dynamics
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Project: NSF, Grants DMS-0455285, DMS-0968710 and DMS-1464475

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