Authors: Stanković, Radomir 
Falkowski, Bogdan
Title: FFT analysis of fast tabular techniques for Reed-Muller expansions
Journal: International Symposium on IC Technology, Systems and Applications
Volume: 8
First page: 382
Last page: 385
Conference: 8th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, Devices and Systems, ISIC 99; Singapore; Singapore; 8 September 1999 through 10 September 1999
Issue Date: 1-Dec-1999
This paper explains the fast tabular technique for the generation of Reed-Muller expansions through Digital Signal Processing concepts of FFT and dyadic convolution. Detailed analysis has shown that basic operations used in the tabular technique can be described in terms of basic DSP operations. Various other polynomial expansions of discrete functions can be also analyzed in a similar way.

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