Authors: Stanković, Radomir 
Stankovíc, Stanislav
Astola, Helena
Astola, Jaakko
Title: Equivalence classes of boolean functions
Journal: Progress in Applications of Boolean Functions
Series/Report no.: Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems
Volume: 26
First page: 1
Last page: 31
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2010
ISBN: 978-1-608-45182-1
ISSN: 1932-3166
There are 22ν switching functions on n variables. Even for moderate values of n, this is a large number. To handle this complexity, n-variable switching functions are ivided into classes under a set of selected classification rules. The rules are such that, once a representative function of a class is realized, the transformation to any other function in the class corresponds to modifications that are natural for the chosen technology. To be most useful, the classifications should have as few classes as possible, and the set of rules should be simple. In this chapter, we review a few classifications including the classifications based on manipulation with Boolean expressions (NPN-classification), through LP-classification,SD-classification, and classification byWalsh spectra andWalsh decision diagrams.
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers

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