Authors: Keren, Osnat
Levin, Ilya
Stanković, Radomir 
Title: Determining the number of paths in decision diagrams by using autocorrelation coefficients
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
First page: 31
Last page: 44
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2011
Rank: M21
ISSN: 0278-0070
DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2010.2069290
This paper deals with the number of paths in multiterminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs) and shared binary decision diagrams (SBDDs) representing a set of Boolean functions. It is shown that the number of paths in an MTBDD (SBDD) can be uniquely determined by values of specific weighted-autocorrelation coefficients. An analytical expression for the number of paths as a linear function of the values of the weighted-autocorrelation coefficients is presented. Based on this expression, a method of minimization of the number of paths is proposed. The method is based on replacing the initial set of input variables with their linear combinations. By using this method, a deterministic paths-reduction procedure, which provides MTBDDs and SBDDs with a reduced number of paths, is presented. The efficiency of the suggested approach is demonstrated on benchmark functions.
Keywords: Autocorrelation function | Binary decision diagram (BDD) | Linear transform | Logic synthesis | Spectral technique
Publisher: IEEE

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