Authors: Stanković, Milena
Moraga, Claudio
Stanković, Radomir 
Title: Generation of ternary bent functions by spectral invariant operations in the generalized reed-muller domain
Journal: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
Volume: 2018-May
First page: 235
Last page: 240
Conference: 48th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2018; Johannes Kepler University of Linz; Austria; 16 May 2018 through 18 May 2018
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2018
ISBN: 978-1-538-64463-8
ISSN: 0195-623X
DOI: 10.1109/ISMVL.2018.00048
Spectral invariant operations for ternary functions are defined as operations that preserve the absolute values of Vilenkin-Chrestenson spectral coefficients. Ternary bent functions are characterized as functions with a flat Vilenkin-Chrestenson spectrum, i.e., functions all whose spectral coefficients have the same absolute value. It follows that any function obtained by the application of one or more spectral invariant operations to a bent function will also be a bent function. This property is used in the present study to generate ternary bent functions efficiently in terms of space and time. For a software implementation of spectral invariant operations it is convenient to specify functions to be processed by the generalized Reed-Muller expressions. In this case, each invariant operation over a function f corresponds to adding one or more terms to the generalized Reed-Muller expression for f.
Keywords: Multiple valued functions | Spectral invariant operations | Spectral techniques | Vilenkin Chrestenson transform
Publisher: IEEE

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