Authors: Martinović, Nemanja 
Title: Halo statistics analysis within medium volume cosmological n-body simulation
Journal: Serbian Astronomical Journal
Volume: 1
Issue: 190
First page: 11
Last page: 23
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Rank: M23
ISSN: 1450-698X
DOI: 10.2298/SAJ1590011M
In this paper we present halo statistics analysis of a ΛCDM Nbody cosmological simulation (from first halo formation until z = 0). We study mean major merger rate as a function of time, where for time we consider both per redshift and per Gyr dependence. For latter we find that it scales as the well known power law (1 + z)n for which we obtain n = 2.4. The halo mass function and halo growth function are derived and compared both with analytical and empirical fits. We analyse halo growth through out entire simulation, making it possible to continuously monitor evolution of halo number density within given mass ranges. The halo formation redshift is studied exploring possibility for a new simple preliminary analysis during the simulation run. Visualization of the simulation is portrayed as well. At redshifts z = 0-7 halos from simulation have good statistics for further analysis especially in mass range of 1011 - 1014 M/h.
Keywords: Dark matter | Galaxies: Halos | Large-scale structure of Universe | Methods: numerical
Publisher: Astronomical Observatory
Project: Visible and Invisible Matter in Nearby Galaxies: Theory and Observations 
Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Complex Many-Body Systems 

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