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Farah, Ilijas
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Results 61-80 of 83 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
61Farah, Ilijas ; Larson, PaulABSOLUTENESS FOR UNIVERSALLY BAIRE SETS AND THEUNCOUNTABLE I2006Set Theory. Recent Trends and Applications; 17; 47-92
62Farah, Ilijas ; Hrušák, Michael; Ranero, Carlos Azarel MartínezA countable dense homogeneous set of reals of size script N11-Jan-2005Fundamenta Mathematicae; 186(1); 71-77M22
63Farah, Ilijas Luzin gaps1-Jun-2004Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; 356(6); 2197-2239M21
64Farah, Ilijas ; Zapletal, JindřichBetween Maharam's and von Neumann's problems1-Jan-2004Mathematical Research Letters; 11(5-6); 673-684M21
65Farah, Ilijas Examples of ε-exhaustive pathological submeasures1-Jan-2004Fundamenta Mathematicae; 181(3); 257-272M22
66Dow, Alan; Farah, Ilijas Is P(ω) a subalgebra?1-Jan-2004Fundamenta Mathematicae; 183(2); 91-108M22
67Farah, Ilijas ; Solecki, SławomirTwo Fσδ ideals1-Jan-2003Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 131(6); 1971-1975M22
68Farah, Ilijas Dimension phenomena associated with βℕ-spaces10-Nov-2002Topology and its Applications; 125(2); 279-297M23
69Farah, Ilijas How many boolean algebras P(ℕ)/I are there?1-Jan-2002Illinois Journal of Mathematics; 46(4); 999-1035M23
70Farah, Ilijas Powers of ℕ*1-Jan-2002Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 130(4); 1243-1246M22
71Farah, Ilijas ; Hindman, Neil; McLeod, JillianPartition theorems for layered partial semigroups1-Jan-2002Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A; 98(2); 268-311M22
72Farah, Ilijas Basis problem for turbulent actions I: Tsirelson submeasures30-Mar-2001Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 108(1-3); 189-203M21
73Farah, Ilijas Basis problem for turbulent actions II: C0-equalities1-Jan-2001Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society; 82(1); 1-30M21a
74Farah, Ilijas Analytic quotients theory of liftings for quotients over analytic ideals on the integers1-Nov-2000702; 1-171M21a
75Farah, Ilijas Approximate homomorphisms II: Group homomorphisms1-Jan-2000Combinatorica; 20(1); 47-60M21
76Farah, Ilijas Ideals induced by Tsirelson submeasures1-Jan-1999Fundamenta Mathematicae; 159(3); 243-258M22
77Farah, Ilijas Semiselective coideals1-Jun-1998Mathematika; 45(1); 79-103M21
78Farah, Ilijas Approximate homomorphisms1-Jan-1998Combinatorica; 18(3); 335-348M21
79Farah, Ilijas Completely additive liftings1-Jan-1998Bulletin of Symbolic Logic; 4(1); 37-54
80Farah, Ilijas Embedding partially ordered sets into ωω1-Dec-1996Fundamenta Mathematicae; 151(1); 53-95


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 1630Representation of Proofs with Applications, Classification of Structures and Infinite Combinatorics01-01-200231-12-2005Došen, Kosta