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Petrović, Jovana
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1Jovančević, Nikola; Mitsyna, Liudmila; Sukhovoj, Anatoly; Knežević, David; Krmar, Miodrag; Petrović, Jovana ; Oberstedt, Stephan; Dragić, Aleksandar; Hambsch, Franz Josef; Cong, VuStudy of Nuclear Structure Parameters by Using the (nth, 2γ) Reaction1-Jul-2019Journal of the Korean Physical Society; 75(2); 100-116M23
2Eckner, Christopher; Hou, Xian; Serpico, Pasquale; Winter, Miles; Zaharijas, Gabrijela; Martin, Pierrick; Mauro, Mattia; Mirabal, Nestor; Petrović, Jovana ; Prodanović, Tijana; Vandenbroucke, JustinMillisecond Pulsar Origin of the Galactic Center Excess and Extended Gamma-Ray Emission from Andromeda: A Closer Look20-Jul-2018Astrophysical Journal; 862(1)M21
3Anđelić, Brankica; Knežević, David; Jovančević, Nikola; Krmar, Miodrag; Petrović, Jovana ; Toth, Arpad; Medić, Žarko; Hansman, JanPresence of neutrons in the low-level background environment estimated by the analysis of the 595.8 keV gamma peak21-Apr-2017Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; 852; 80-84M21
4Eckner, Christopher; Serpico, Pasquale; Petrović, Jovana ; Prodanović, TijanaM31 gamma-ray emission - a closer look at different explanations1-Jan-2017Proceedings of Science; 2017 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, EPS-HEP 2017; Palazzo del Cinema and Palazzo del Casino Venice; Italy; 5 July 2017 through 12 July 2017
5Knežević, David; Jovančević, Nikola; Krmar, Miodrag; Petrović, Jovana Modeling of neutron spectrum in the gamma spectroscopy measurements with Ge-detectors11-Oct-2016Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; 833; 23-26M21
6Zaharijaš, Gabrijela; Petrović, Jovana ; Serpico, PasqualeWhat can Fermi LAT observation of the Galactic Centre tell us about its active past?1-Jan-2016Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union; 12(S324); 115-118
7Petrović, Jovana ; Serpico, Pasquale; Zaharijaš, GabrijelaMillisecond pulsars and the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess: The importance of luminosity function and secondary emission18-Feb-2015Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics; 2015(2)M21
8Petrović, Jovana ; Serpico, Pasquale; Zaharijaš, GabrijelaGalactic Center gamma-ray ''excess'' from an active past of the Galactic Centre?1-Oct-2014Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics; 2014(10)M21
9Petrović, Jovana Ispitivanje viška gama zračenja iz centra galaksije Fermi LAT i Gamma400 teleskopima2014master thesis: Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom SaduM72