Jovanović, Božidar

Full Name
Jovanović, Božidar
Scopus Author ID

- 2 Integrability | Invariant measure | Nonholonomic Chaplygin systems
- 1 (almost) multiplicity free spaces | Gel’fand-Cetlin systems | Invariant polynomials | Multiplicity of Hamiltonian action
- 1 37J35 | 37J55 | 70H06 | 70H45 | billiards | contact integrability | discrete systems with constraints | Neumann and Heisenberg systems
- 1 Action-angle coordinates | Contact flows | Isotropic foliations | Noncommutative integrability | α-complete foliations
- 1 action-angle coordinates | evaluation vector fields | noncommutative integrability | Reeb flows
- 1 Addition of velocities | Affine transformations | The Galilean and pseudo-Euclidean geometry | The Galilean principle of relativity | The Iwasawa decomposition
- 1 Billiards | Confocal quadrics | Discrete integrability | Lax representation | Poncelet theorem | Virtual reflection
- 1 Brieskorn manifolds | Constraints | Contact systems | Hypersurfaces of contact type | Noncommutative integrability | Partial integrability
- 1 C. Neumann coordinates | elliptic functions | elliptic integrals | nonholonimic dynamics | regular and pseudo-regular precessions | remarkable trajectories | rolling without sliding | Voronec principle; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematics - Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Physics; Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry; Mathematics - History and Overview; Mathematics - Mathematical Physics; Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; 37J60, 70F25, 33E05, 53Z05, 01A60, 01A72
- 1 Canonical vector bundle | Cartan model | Symmetric space
- next >
Date issued
- 36 2020 - 2025
- 65 2010 - 2019
- 42 2000 - 2009
- 14 1990 - 1999
Results 61-80 of 157 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank | |
61 | Jovanović, Božidar | Billiards on constant curvature spaces | 2017 | Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, 3-7 July, 2017, Barcelona | M30 |
62 | Jovanović, Božidar | Billiards within quadrics in projective spaces | 2017 | Workshop Geometry and PDEs, 13-14 June 2017,West University of Timişoara, Romania | M30 |
63 | Jovanović, Božidar | Noether symmetries and integrability in time-dependent hamiltonian mechanics | 1-Jan-2016 | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 43(2); 255-273 | M24 |
64 | Jovanović, Božidar | Singular motion of a symmetric Manakov top | 2016 | XIX Geometrical Seminar, August 28 – September 4, 2016, Zlatibor, Serbia | M30 |
65 | Jovanović, Božidar | Nonholonomic rigid body problems and modified LR and L+R systems | 2016 | Workshop Geometry and PDEs, 10-11 June, 2016 | M30 |
66 | Jovanović, Božidar | Modified LR and L+R systems and rolling spheres | 2016 | Sixth International Conference “Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems – GDIS 2016, 2. - 5. June, 2016; 24-24 | M30 |
68 | Jovanović, Božidar | Invariant measures of modified LR and L+R systems | 1-Sep-2015 | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 20(5); 542-552 | M22 |
69 | Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | Note on free symmetric rigid body motion | 19-May-2015 | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 20(3); 293-308 | M22 |
70 | Jovanović, Božidar ; Jovanović, Vladimir | Geodesic and Billiard Flows on Quadrics in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces: L-A Pairs and Chasles Theorem | 1-Jan-2015 | International Mathematics Research Notices; 2015(15); 6618-6638 | M21 |
71 | Jovanović, Božidar ; Jovanović, Vladimir | Contact flows and integrable systems | 1-Jan-2015 | Journal of Geometry and Physics; 87; 217-232 | M22 |
72 | Gajić, Borislav ; Dragović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Božidar | On the completeness of the Manakov integrals | 1-Jan-2015 | Fundamental and Applied Mathematics / Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika; 20(2); 35-49 | |
73 | Jovanović, Božidar | Discrete Hamiltonian and contact integrability of billiards and Neumann systems in pseudo-Euclidean spaces | 2015 | Mechanics through Mathematical Modeling, Novi Sad, Serbia, 7-10 September; 30-31 | M30 |
74 | Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav ; Jovanović, Božidar | THE INTEGRABILITY OF A MOTION OF A SYMMETRIC RIGID BODY | 2015 | 5th Serbian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Arandjelovac, 15. - 17. June, 2015; 1-6 | M30 |
75 | Jovanović, Božidar | On the motion of a symmetric Euler top in R^n | 2015 | Workshop Geometry and PDEs, 29-31 May 2015, West University of Timişoara | M30 |
76 | Jovanović, Božidar | Heisenberg model in pseudo-Euclidean spaces | 1-Mar-2014 | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 19(2); 245-250 | M22 |
77 | Jovanović, Božidar | Virtual billiards and Heisenberg model in pseudo-Euclidean spaces | 2014 | Fifth International Conference and School Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems – GDIS 2014: Bicentennial of The Great Poncelet Theorem and Billiard Dynamics, Trieste, 16-27 June 2014 | M30 |
78 | Jovanović, Božidar | Various models of multidimensional nonholonomic rigid body dynamics | 2014 | Nonholonomic mechanics and optimal control, Paris, 25. - 28. Nov, 2014 | M30 |
79 | Jovanović, Božidar | The Jacobi-Rosochatius Problem on an Ellipsoid: The Lax Representations and Billiards | 1-Oct-2013 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; 210(1); 101-131 | M21a |
80 | Jovanović, Božidar | Separable systems on symmetric ellipsoids: the Lax representations and billiards | 2013 | 4th International Conference Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems, Izhevsk, 10. - 14. June, 2013; 30-30 | M30 |
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT 144014 | Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems | 01-01-2006 | 31-12-2010 | Dragović, Vladimir |
PROJECT 1643 | Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems | 01-01-2002 | 31-12-2005 | Dragović, Vladimir |
PROJECT 174020 | Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Classical Mechanics and Integrable Dynamical Systems | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Dragović, Vladimir |