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Todorčević, Stevo
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Results 81-100 of 145 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
81Todorčević, Stevo Representing trees as relatively compact subsets of the first Baire class2005Bulletin: Classe des sciences mathematiques et natturalles; 30; 29-45M51
82Todorčević, Stevo A proof of Nogura's conjecture1-Dec-2003Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 131(12); 3919-3923M23
83Argyros, Spiros; Lopez-Abad, Jordi; Todorčević, Stevo A class of Banach spaces with no unconditional basic sequence1-Jul-2003Comptes Rendus Mathematique; 337(1); 43-48M23
84Di Prisco, Carlos Augusto; Todorčević, Stevo Souslin partitions of products of finite sets1-Jun-2003Advances in Mathematics; 176(1); 145-173M21a
85Kechris, Alexander; Pestov, Vladimir; Todorčević, Stevo Universal minimal flows of automorphism groups2003Bulletin: Classe des sciences mathematiques et natturalles; 28; 93-106M50
86Larson, Paul; Todorčević, Stevo Katiětov's problem1-Jan-2002Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; 354(5); 1783-1791M21
87Todorčević, Stevo Generic absoluteness and the continuum1-Jan-2002Mathematical Research Letters; 9(4); 465-471M21
88Todorčević, Stevo A dichotomy for P-ideals of countable sets1-Dec-2001Fundamenta Mathematicae; 166(3); 251-267M23
89Di Prisco, Carlos; Llopis, Jimena; Todorčević, Stevo Borel partitions of products of finite sets and the Ackermann function1-Jan-2001Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A; 93(2); 333-349M22
90Todorčević, Stevo ; Uzcátegui, CarlosAnalytic topologies over countable sets1-Jan-2001Topology and its Applications; 111(3); 299-326M23
91Todorčević, Stevo A new quantitative analysis of some basic principles of the theory of functions of a real variable2001Bulletin de l'Académie serbe des sciences. Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles. Sciences mathématiques; 26; 133-144M50
92Losada, M.; Todorčević, Stevo Chains and antichains in Boolean algebras1-Dec-2000Fundamenta Mathematicae; 163(1); 55-76M22
93Todorčević, Stevo Chain-condition methods in topology1-Jan-2000Topology and its Applications; 101(1); 45-82M23
94Todorčević, Stevo ; Väänänen, JoukoTrees and ehrenfeucht-fraïssé games15-Oct-1999Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 100(1-3); 69-97M22
95Todorčević, Stevo ; Zapletal, JindrichOn the Alaoglu-Birkhoff equivalence of posets1-Jun-1999Illinois Journal of Mathematics; 43(2); 281-290M22
96Kechris, Alexander; Solecki, SŁawomir; Todorčević, Stevo Borel chromatic numbers15-Jan-1999Advances in Mathematics; 141(1); 1-44M21a
97Di Prisco, Carlos; Todorčević, Stevo A cardinal defined by a polarized partition relation1-Jan-1999Israel Journal of Mathematics; 109; 41-52M22
98Di Prisco, Carlos; Todorčević, Stevo Perfect-Set Properties inL(R)[U]10-Nov-1998Advances in Mathematics; 139(2); 240-259M21a
99Todorčević, Stevo Countable chain condition in partition calculus28-Jun-1998Discrete Mathematics; 188(1-3); 205-223M23
100Todorčević, Stevo Oscillations of Sets of Integers1-Feb-1998Advances in Applied Mathematics; 20(2); 220-252M21


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 1630Representation of Proofs with Applications, Classification of Structures and Infinite Combinatorics01-01-200231-12-2005Došen, Kosta