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Todorčević, Stevo
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Results 141-145 of 145 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
141Todorčević, Stevo On minimal separating Boolean algebras1981Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 29(43); 241-247M24
142Todorčević, Stevo Stationary sets, trees and continuums1981Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 29(43); 249-262M24
143Todorčević, Stevo Very strongly rigid Boolean algebras1980Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 27(41); 267-277M24
144Todorčević, Stevo Rigid Aronszajn trees1980Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 27(41); 259-265M24
145Todorčević, Stevo Rigid Boolean algebras1979Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 25(39); 219-224M24


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 1630Representation of Proofs with Applications, Classification of Structures and Infinite Combinatorics01-01-200231-12-2005Došen, Kosta