Ognjanović, Zoran

Full Name
Ognjanović, Zoran
Scopus Author ID

- 1 Abstract state machines | Chord | DHT-based overlay networks | Formal description | Peer-to-Peer
- 1 Abstract State Machines | DHT-based overlay networks | Peer-to-peer | Retrieval probability
- 1 Approximate probability | Conditional probability | Decidability | Default reasoning | Non-standard analysis | Probabilistic logic | Strong completeness
- 1 Approximate probability | Conditional probability | Meta-heuristics | Probabilistic satisfiability | Swarm intelligence
- 1 Approximate probability | Conditional probability | Metaheuristics | Non-monotonic reasoning | Probabilistic satisfiability | Swarm intelligence
- 1 Approximate probability | Decidability | Non-standard analysis | Probabilistic first-order logic | Strong completeness
- 1 Approximate probability | Default reasoning | n-Consistency | n-Probability | Probability measure
- 1 Attacking scenarios | Authentication protocols | Computational capability | Cryptographic security | High performance computing | Implementation complexity | Learning parity with noise | Man in the middle
- 1 Author metrics | Co-authorship network | Collaborative behaviour | Connected components | Digital library | Evolutionary trends | Serbian mathematical journals
- 1 Axiomatic system | Logic programming | Theorem proving
- next >
Date issued
- 17 2020 - 2025
- 36 2010 - 2019
- 24 2000 - 2009
- 8 1990 - 1999
- 85 Article
Results 61-80 of 85 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank | |
61 | Ikodinović, Nebojša; Rašković, Miodrag ; Marković, Zoran ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Measure logic | 1-Jan-2007 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2007; 4724; 128-138 | M23 |
62 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Ikodinović, Nebojša | A logic with higher order conditional probabilities | 1-Jan-2007 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 96; 141-154 | M24 |
63 | Ognjanović, Zoran | Discrete linear-time probabilistic logics: Completeness, decidability and complexity | 1-Jan-2006 | Journal of Logic and Computation; 16(2); 257-285 | M22 |
64 | Korać, Miomir; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Dugandžić, Filip | PANDORA - Ekspertni sistem za datiranje iskopina | 2006 | Arheologija i prirodne nauke; 2; 105-120 | M52 |
65 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Marković, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | Completeness theorem for a logic with imprecise and conditional probabilities | 1-Jan-2005 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 78(92); 35-49 | M24 |
66 | Ikodinović, Nebojša; Ognjanović, Zoran | A logic with coherent conditional probabilities | 1-Jan-2005 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2005; Barcelona; Spain; 6 July 2005 through 8 July 2005; 3571; 726-736 | M22 |
67 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Midić, Uroš; Mladenović, Nenad | A hybrid genetic and variable neighborhood descent for probabilistic SAT problem | 1-Jan-2005 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Second International Worshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, HM 2005; Barcelona; Spain; 29 August 2005 through 30 August 2005; 3636; 42-53 | M22 |
68 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Midić, Uroš; Kratica, Jozef | A genetic algorithm for probabilistic SAT problem | 9-Dec-2004 | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science); 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2004; Zakopane; Poland; 7 June 2004 through 11 June 2004; 3070; 462-467 | M22 |
69 | Rašković, Miodrag ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Marković, Zoran | A logic with conditional probabilities | 1-Jan-2004 | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science); European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2004; 3229; 226-238 | M22 |
70 | Đordević, Radosav; Rašković, Miodrag ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Completeness theorem for propositional probabilistic models whose measures have only finite ranges | 1-Jan-2004 | Archive for Mathematical Logic; 43; 557-563 | M22 |
71 | Marković, Zoran ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | A probabilistic extension of intuitionistic logic | 1-Jan-2003 | Mathematical Logic Quarterly; 49(4); 415-424 | M22 |
72 | Marković, Zoran ; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | An intuitionistic logic with probabilistic operators | 2003 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 73(87); 31-38 | M24 |
73 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Kratica, Jozef ; Milovanović, Miloš | A genetic algorithm for satisfiability problem in a probabilistic logic: A first report | 1-Jan-2001 | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science); European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2001; 2143; 805-816 | M21 |
74 | Ognjanović, Zoran | The resolution tableau for logics of likelihood | 2001 | Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics; 23; 107-117 | M52 |
75 | Ognjanović, Zoran | Completeness theorem for a first order linear-time logic | 2001 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 69(83); 1-7 | M24 |
76 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | Some first-order probability logics | 28-Sep-2000 | Theoretical Computer Science; 247(1-2); 191-212 | M23 |
77 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Timotijević, Tatjana | On two approaches to modal theorem proving | 2000 | Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics; 30(2); 83-93 | M24 |
78 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | Some probability logics with new types of probability operators | 1-Jan-1999 | Journal of Logic and Computation; 9(2); 181-195 | M21 |
79 | Rašković, Miodrag ; Ognjanović, Zoran | A first order probability logic, LPQ | 1999 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 65(79); 1-7 | M24 |
80 | Ognjanović, Zoran ; Rašković, Miodrag | A logic with higher order probabilities | 1996 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 60(74); 1-4 | M24 |
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT III 044006 | Development of new information and communication technologies, based on advanced mathematical methods, with applications in medicine, telecommunications, power systems, protection of national heritage and education | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Ognjanović, Zoran |
PROJECT 1379 | Methods of Mathematical Logic for Decision Support in Real Life Situations | 01-01-2002 | 31-12-2005 | Ognjanović, Zoran |
PROJECT 144013 | Representations of logical structures and their application in computer science | 01-01-2006 | 31-12-2010 | Ognjanović, Zoran |