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Showing results 1070 to 1089 of 2885 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Vrećica, Siniša; Živaljević, Rade The ham sandwich theorem revisited1-Feb-1992Israel Journal of Mathematics; 78(1); 21-32M23
Jovanović, Božidar Hamiltonian G-actions and integrable systems2007MM-VII Symmetries and Mechanics, Novi Sad 2007M30
Dizdarević, Manuela Muzika; Živaljević, Rade Hamiltonian surfaces in the 4-cube, 4-bit Gray codes and Venn diagrams2022Publications de l'Institut Mathematique; 111(125); 17-40M24
Jovanović, Božidar Hamiltonization and integrability of the Chaplygin sphere in ℝn1-Oct-2010Journal of Nonlinear Science; 20(5); 569-593M21a
Fedorov, Yuri; Jovanović, Božidar Hamiltonization of the generalized Veselova LR system17-Sep-2009Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; 14(4-5); 495-505M22
Jovanović, Božidar Hamiltonov formalizam mehaničkih sistema sa idealnim jednostranim vezama199521th Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Niš, 1995, Section A: General Mechanics; 105-109M60
Stević, Stevo Harmonic bloch and besov spaces on the unit ball1-Apr-2009Ars Combinatoria; 91; 3-9M23
Todorčević, Vesna Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings and Hyperbolic Type Metrics2019M11
Todorčević, Vesna Harmonic quasiconformal mappings in domains in Rn2010J. Analysis; ICM2010 Satellite Conference International Workshop on Harmonic and Quasiconformal Mappings (HQM2010); 18(2010); 297-316M33
Pavlović, Marina ; Kovačević, Anđelka; Ilić, Dragana; Čvorivić Hajdinjak, Iva; Popović, Luka Č.; Simić, SašaHarnessing Deep Learning for Quasar Light Curve Modeling with QNPy2023XIII Simpozijum "Matematika i primene", 1. i 2. decembar 2023, Beograd; 60M34
Zorica, Dušan Heat Conduction of Fractional Cattaneo Type2011Workshop on Macroscopic Modeling of Materials with Fine StructureM30
Zorica, Dušan Hereditariness and non-locality in wave propagation modeling1-Jan-2020Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 47(1); 19-31M24
Zorica, Dušan Hereditariness and non-locality in wave propagation modelling20197th Congress of the Serbian Society of MechanicsM30
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Hes-Apeljrotov slučaj kretanja krutog tela i algebarske krive2001XXIII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, BeogradM30
Tomić, Milan; Urošević, Dragan A Heuristic Approach in Solving the Optimal Seating Chart Problem1-Jul-2021MOTOR 2021 : International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research; 271-283M33
Davidović, Tatjana ; Janićijević, StefanaHeuristic Approach to Scheduling Independent Tasks on Identical Processor2009Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2009; 1-6M60
Davidović, Tatjana ; Maraš, VladislavHeuristike za određivanje rečnih transportnih linija plovidbe konetenerskih brodova2008Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2008; 1-6M60
Davidović, Tatjana Hibridizacija metaheurističkih metoda za rešavanje problema raspoređivanja2005Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2005; 1-6M60
Stanković, Radomir Hidrointegrator Mihaila Petrovića Alasa2018Mihailo Petrović Alas, rodonačenik srpske matematičke škole; 85-92
Wang, Jian; Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Harn, Lein; Imai, HidekiA hierarchical key management approach for secure multicast1-Jan-2006Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 3894 LNCS; 422-434M23