Browsing by Author Farah, Ilijas

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 83 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Baudier, Florent P.; Braga, Bruno M.; Farah, Ilijas ; Vignati, Alessandro; Willett, RufusCoarse equivalence versus bijective coarse equivalence of expander graphs1-Jul-2024Mathematische Zeitschrift; 37; 44~M22
Farah, Ilijas A coherent family of partial functions on ℕ1-Jan-1996Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 124(9); 2845-2852
Farah, Ilijas Combinatorial set theory of C*-algebras1-Jan-20191-507
Farah, Ilijas ; Phillips, N. Christopher; Steprans, JurisThe commutant of L(H) in its ultrapower may or may not be trivial1-Aug-2010Mathematische Annalen; 347(4); 839-857M21
Farah, Ilijas Completely additive liftings1-Jan-1998Bulletin of Symbolic Logic; 4(1); 37-54
Farah, Ilijas ; Magidor, MenachemCorson reflections1-May-2021Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 172(5); 102908~M21
Farah, Ilijas ; Hrušák, Michael; Ranero, Carlos Azarel MartínezA countable dense homogeneous set of reals of size script N11-Jan-2005Fundamenta Mathematicae; 186(1); 71-77M22
Farah, Ilijas ; Toms, Andrew; Törnquist, AsgerThe descriptive set theory of C*-algebra Invariants1-Jan-2013International Mathematics Research Notices; 2013(22); 5196-5226M21a
Farah, Ilijas ; Shelah, SaharonA dichotomy for the number of ultrapowers1-Jun-2010Journal of Mathematical Logic; 10(1-2); 45-81M23
Farah, Ilijas Dimension phenomena associated with βℕ-spaces10-Nov-2002Topology and its Applications; 125(2); 279-297M23
Farah, Ilijas Embedding partially ordered sets into ωω1-Dec-1996Fundamenta Mathematicae; 151(1); 53-95
Braga, Bruno; Farah, Ilijas ; Vignati, AlessandroEmbeddings of Uniform Roe Algebras1-Jan-2019Communications in Mathematical PhysicsM21
Baudier, Florent P.; Braga, Bruno M.; Farah, Ilijas ; Vignati, Alessandro; Willett, RufusEmbeddings of von Neumann algebras into uniform Roe algebras and quasi-local algebras2024Journal of Functional Analysis; 286(1); 110186~M21
Farah, Ilijas Examples of ε-exhaustive pathological submeasures1-Jan-2004Fundamenta Mathematicae; 181(3); 257-272M22
Farah, Ilijas ; Goldbring, Isaac; Hart, Bradd; Sherman, DavidExistentially closed II1 factors1-Jan-2016Fundamenta Mathematicae; 233(2); 173-196M22
Farah, Ilijas ; Solecki, SławomirExtreme amenability of L0, a Ramsey theorem, and Lévy groups15-Jul-2008Journal of Functional Analysis; 255(2); 471-493M21
Farah, Ilijas ; Zapletal, JindřichFour and more1-Jul-2006Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 140(1-3); 3-39M22
Farah, Ilijas The Fourth Head of βℕ1-Dec-2007Open Problems in Topology II; 135-142
Eagle, Christopher; Farah, Ilijas ; Hart, Bradd; Kadets, Boris; Kalashnyk, Vladyslav; Lupini, MartinoFräissé limits of C*-algebras1-Jun-2016Journal of Symbolic Logic; 81(2); 755-773M22
Braga, Bruno M.; Farah, Ilijas ; Vignati, AlessandroGENERAL UNIFORM ROE ALGEBRA RIGIDITY1-Jul-2022Annales de l'Institut Fourier; 72(1); 301-337M22