Browsing by Author Hedrih, Anđelka

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Showing results 31 to 50 of 51 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Georgiades, Fotios; Hedrih, Anđelka ; Atanasovska, Ivana “Nonlinear Dynamics of Mechanical Systems” dedicated to 75th birthday and 52 years scientific contribution of Prof. Katica R. (Stevanovic) Hedrih12-Nov-2021Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; 235(20); 4500-4502M28b
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Nonlinear Oscillations of a Complex Discrete System of Rigid Rods with Mass Particles on an Elastic Cantilever202116th Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Theory and Applications DSTA 2021; 463-464M34
Hedrih, Anđelka Oscilatorno ponašanje Zona-e Pelucida-e miša pre i posle oplodnje2016doctoral thesis: Studije pri Univerzitetu u Beogradu, smer: Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo i tehnologije, Univerzitet u BeograduM70
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Oscillations and stability of dynamics of hybrid biostructure10-Aug-2021European Physical Journal: Special Topics~M22
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) An Overview: About Three Models of Mitotic Spindle Oscillations and Their Mods2023The Ninth International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia; Book of Proceedings; 267-274M33
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Phenomenological mapping and dynamical absorptions in chain systems with multiple degrees of freedom1-Jan-2016JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control; 22(1); 18-36M21
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Potential energy analysis of homologue chromosome pairs trough mechanical oscillatory model of mitotic spindle201811th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (Rome, Italy: 5-8 June, 2018); 59-59M30
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Bogdanović-Jovanović, JasminaRayleigh function of energy dissipation in modelling oscillatory behaviour of moving sister chromatids in anaphase of mitosis2022International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering; Book of Extended Abstracts; 111-114M33
Hedrih, Anđelka Relation between centrosome excitation and oscillatory energy of mitotic spindle in metaphase trough biomechanical oscillatory model of mitotic spindle2017Mathematics XXI Century & Natural Science. IV International Seminar ”Nonlinear Phenomenology Advances” (October 3-6, 2017); III International Wokshop ”Scientific & Educational Problems of Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant Project” (October 4-6, 2017); 27-27M32
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Jovanović, Đorđe RELATION BETWEEN ZONA PELIUCIDA SHEAR STRESS AND DIFFERENT SPERM DISTRIBUTION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONTACT STRESS THEORY2024International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering ICMA2SC’24, ISEP Porto-Portugal, June 20 - 22, 2024; Book of apstracts; 93-95M34
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Resonance as potential mechanism for homolog chromosomes separation trough biomechanical oscillatory model of mitotic spindle20176th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Mountain Tara, Serbia, June 19-21, 2017.; 1-10M33
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Resonant frequencies of mouse chromosomes trough mechanical oscillatory model of mitotic spindle2018ESMC 2018- 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 02.-06. jula 2018. Bolonja, ItalijaM34
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Rheological Burgers–Faraday Models and Rheological Dynamical Systems with Fractional Derivatives and Their Application in Biomechanics2024Fractal and Fractional; 8(12); 742~M21a
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Rheological models of fractional type for new biomaterials20242nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering Mathematical Institute SANU, 12-14. September, 2024.; Booklet of Abstracts; 247-248M34
Hedrih, Anđelka Sperm number, velocity and arrangement affect oscillatory behavior of mouse zona pelucida2018EURASIAN HEALTH & MEDICINE 2018, 03-04, November, 2018, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China; 9-9M32
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Najman, Stevo; Hedrih, Vladimir; Milošević-Đorđević, OliveraStructure of relations between the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes and age, gender, smoking habits and socio-demographic factors in sought-east region of Serbia2018Facta Universitatis. Series: Medicine and Biology; 20(2); 47-54M51
Hedrih, Anđelka Synchronisation of biological oscillators in reproductive biology201915th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications (DSTA 2019)M30
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Jovanović, Đorđe ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Theoretical modeling of forced oscillations of herbaceous plant inflorescence-influence of branching angle202125th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, XXV ICTAM 2020+1, August 22-27, 2021, Milano, Italy.; Abstract Book of 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 1611-1612M34
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Torsional oscillations of a tree trunk with branches through a biomechanical oscillatory model in the form of a complex cantilever20218th International congress of Serbian Society of mechanics, June 28-30, 2021, Kragujevac, Serbia; 243-244M34
Hedrih, Anđelka Transition in oscillatory behavior in mouse oocyte and mouse embryo through oscillatory spherical net model of mouse zona pellucida1-Jan-2014Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics; 12th International Conference on Dynamical Systems-Theory and Applications, DSTA 2013; Łódź; Poland; 2 December 2013 through 5 December 2013; 93; 295-303