Showing results 95 to 108 of 108
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Burzić, Meri; Prokić-Cvetković, Radica; Grujić, Biljana; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Adamović, Živoslav | Safe operation of welded structure with cracks at elevated temperature | 27-Nov-2008 | Strojniski Vestnik / Journal of Mechanical Engineering; 54(11); 807-816 | M23 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Soldat, Nataša; Topalović, Ivana | SAFETY 4.0 - MACHINE SAFETY AND STANDARDIZATION IN INDUSTRY 4.0 | 2022 | 10th International Scientific Conference IRMES 2022 - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems “Machine design in the context of Industry 4.0 – Intelligent products”, 26 May 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia; 68-73 | M33 |
Mitrović, Radivoj; Momčilović, Dejan; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Hut, Nenad | Service life prediction of running steel wire ropes | 1-Jan-2010 | Structural Integrity and Life; Ninth Meeting “New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture” (NT2F9) Belgrade, Serbia, 12-14 October 2009; 10(3); 199-202 | M53 |
Patil, Santosh; Karuppanan, Saravanan; Atanasovska, Ivana | A short review on frictional contact stress distribution in involute gears | 1-Jan-2019 | Tribology in Industry; 41(2); 254-266 | M24 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan | Spur gear model for prediction of fatigue damage initation in contact zone | 2016 | International Journal of Powertrains; 5(spec. issue 4); 213-229 | M50 |
Momčilović, Dejan; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Ristić, Ognjen | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF SHEAR STRENGTH OF WELDS IN WELDED FABRIC FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING WITH APPLICATION OF NEW TOOL DESIGN | 2019 | Fourth Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2019); 24-24 | M30 |
Lazović, Tatjana; Atanasovska, Ivana | Sto godina radnog veka kotrljajnih ležaja | 2024 | Phlogiston – Časopis za istoriju i filozofiju nauke i tehnike; 32; 279-308 | M53 |
Mitrović, Radivoje; Momčilović, Dejan; Erić, Olivera; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Hut, Nenad | Study on impact properties of creep-resistant steel thermally simulated heat affected zone | 14-Nov-2012 | Thermal Science; 16(2); 513-525 | M23 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Šarac, Dušan; Mitrović, Nenad | The finite element analysis of dental implant influence on strain state in jawbone | 2019 | 7h International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics; 211-213 | M30 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan; Vulović, Snežana | The influence of grooves on the behavior of steel tube shock absorbers | 2019 | 7h International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics; 1-6 | M30 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan | Theory of critical distances in analysis of the influence of tooth profile on gears bending capacity | 2016 | 5th Balkan Association on Power Transmission Conference 2016; 63-70 | M30 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan | Thin composite plates with stress concentrators analyzed by Theory of Critical distances | 2023 | 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, July 5-7, 2023, Section: General Mechanics | M34 |
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Momčilović, Dejan; Odanović, Zoran; Aleksić, Vujadin; Gavrilovski, Milorad | Univerzalni alat za ispitivanje zateznih karakteristika šestougaonih čeličnih mreža za građevinarstvo | 2018 | | M92 |
Atanasovska, Ivana | Uticaj raspodele opterećenja na nosivost cilindričnih evolventnih zupčanika | 2004 | doctoral thesis: Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu | M70 |